Web Services and Ruby

From: MikkelFJ [mailto:mikkelfj-anti-spam@bigfoot.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2003 3:04 PM
To: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org
Subject: Re: Web Services and Ruby

bbense+comp.lang.ruby.May.22.03@telemark.slac.stanford.edu wrote in
message news:baj4dk$m6b$1@news.Stanford.EDU…


I poked around in the google archives and I didn’t get any really
good answers. I know you can do SOAP with ruby, but has anyone
poked around with the WSDL stuff yet?

I think someone were doing something, but I don’t think it
got released.

I was working on creating a Ruby implementation of SWSAPI and had it
partially working. I stopped working on it for two reasons. First, I could
see that is it was going to be difficult to support XML Schema types
sufficiently. Second, I learned about WSDL4J and decided not to compete
with it.

Anyway, I just discovered the akronym WSIF
Welcome to WSIF: Web Services Invocation Framework

As far as I know, that as only been implemented in Java.


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