SOAP4R proxy support?

One thing I like about implementing the Simple Web Services API is that it’s
already been done for Perl, Python and PHP. I can borrow ideas from those
implementations. Another is that once someone learns how to use the API in
one scripting language, they can use it in the others without having to
learn a new API.


-----Original Message-----
From: NAKAMURA, Hiroshi []
Sent: Monday, October 07, 2002 11:50 PM
Subject: Re: SOAP4R proxy support?


From: “Mark Volkmann”
Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2002 10:22 PM

I can’t wait to show you what I’ve done with SOAP4R. I have
a working
version of the SWSAPI defined by ActiveState that is based
on SOAP4R!

Interesting. I found
ActiveState Community - Boosting coder and team productivity with ready-to-use open source languages and tools. .

I can
invoke a web service in two lines of code like this.

proxy =
temperature = proxy.getTemp(ZIPCODE)

I’m afraid that we are working same thing separately.
Currently, WSDL4R allow you like this;

require ‘soap/wsdlDriver’
proxy = WSDL_URL ).createDriver
temperature = proxy.getTemp( zipCode )

Released WSDL4R/0.0.1 does not have wsdlDriver.rb.

Get it from CVS repository at

I still have lots of work to do on supporting passing of
Ruby objects
complex XML Schema parsing, but the basics are there.

I’m fighting XML Schema, too. Current XML Schema
implementation in WSDL4R supports only complex content
complexType. Simple content complexType, simpleType,
element, attributes, ref, group, etc. are left.
Those won’t be completed forever I believe. sigh.

I’m looking forward to see yours released.

// NaHi

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From: Volkmann, Mark []
Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2002 12:07 AM

One thing I like about implementing the Simple Web Services
API is that it’s already been done for Perl, Python and PHP.
I can borrow ideas from those implementations. Another is
that once someone learns how to use the API in one scripting
language, they can use it in the others without having to
learn a new API.

Sure. For the latter point, I can implement SWSAPI as a
wrapper of current original interface. For the former
point, I’m looking forward to see your SWSAPI implementation.
I’m tired of XML Schema. I hope The someone implement
Relaxer for Ruby. :slight_smile:

// NaHi