Hi all,
The Win32 Utils Team is looking for a little help.
First, we would like to ask the Win32 users out there what sorts of
things you would like us to work on. Is there some interface you're
desperately looking for? Is there some functionality you would like to
see added to an existing package? Please let us know!
Second, we are looking for some folks to join the Win32 Utils Team.
Specifically, we're looking for people with a good C background and who
either know, or are willing to learn, the Windows API. Although we do
not require C extensions, using the Win32API module still requires a C
We have a few things we're considering:
* A port of the Win32::Screenshot Perl module
* Image support added to the win32-clipboard package
* A File.stat method that uses win32-etc behind the scenes
* A Ruby interface for the Remote Access Service (big)
* A Ruby interface for TAPI 3
* Anything else you can think of
If you're interested, please send an email to myself, Shanko or Heesob:
Daniel: djberg96 at nospam yahoo dot com
Heesob: phasis68 at nospam nownuri dot net
Shanko: sdate at nospam everestkc dot net
(Remove the "nospam" and convert)
If you don't necessarily want to do development, but would like to take
part in the discussions, please join the win32utils-devel mailing list
or post in one of the forums on the project page:
That's our pitch folks. We hope to hear from you.
Thank you much.
The Win32 Utils Team
PS - A release of win32-changejournal should be out *soon*