> Hi all,
> The Win32Utils team is happy to announce the release 0.2.0 release of
> win32-mmap.
> = What is it?
Thanks for putting out all the win32 utilities. Myself and others in
the community really appreciate the hard work.
Have you discussed wit the Guy the possibility of creating a common
interface for the win32 and *nix versions of the mmap libraries?
I thought about it, but Guy is currently using what amounts to an
overloaded constructor. The closest we could get is if Guy is willing
to use keyword arguments instead, but even then not all the options
would be the same. I'm also not sure what he's doing with all those
custom string methods.
Anyway, I'll send him an email (or perhaps write a patch) when I get
the chance.
On 10/13/06, Daniel Berger <djberg96@gmail.com> wrote: