Undefined method '[]' I dont know why

Well, it's really telling you that something that you're indexing into
is nil. Not sure which of the things in that big assignment is the nil
one, but something there is.



-----Original Message-----
From: mati829@gmail.com [mailto:mati829@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2008 2:17 PM
To: ruby-talk ML
Subject: Undefined method '[]' I dont know why.

Hello , I have problem with my script.

/////////////this function return true or false
  def moznazbudowac?(co,sesja,stan)
               budynek = ""
                catch(:redo) do
                        case co
                        when 1
                                budynek = "Kopalnia metalu"
                        when 2
                                budynek = "Kopalnia krysztalu"
                        when 3
                                budynek = "Kopalnia deuteru"
                        poziom = stan[budynek] # 11
                        poziom = poziom.to_i
                        surowce_pods = bazadanych(co) #output
                        surowce_potrz = [0,0,0,0]
surowce_potrz[0] = surowce_pods[0].to_i
                 [.....]# further part of script

Error : Undefined method '[]' for nil:NilClass <NoMethodError>
I try to modify script but dont know how fix this error.

a = moznazbudowac?(1,sesja,stan) // this is working

But when i execute this
sesja = sesja()
stan = skaner ()
kolejka() return array i was testing with array [1]
test_kolejki = kolejka()
I have error in function kolejkowanie() and i line above and in function

def kolejkowanie(kolejka,sesja,stan)
  dlugosc = kolejka.length
  dlugosc -=1
  nr = 0
  while nr<=dlugosc
    zbudowano = 0
    while zbudowano == 0
       if moznazbudowac?(kolejka[nr],sesja,stan) == true then#error
        nr +=1
        zbudowano = 1
        "Nie starczy surowcow"


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Thx for help. Now i see what's wrong:
if moznazbudowac?(kolejka[nr],sesja,stan) == true

kolejka does error. I will fix this tomorrow.


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