Something new undefined method

Hi all, sorry for the basic questions,

Here is one I have not encountered :

c:/dev/cgi-bin/Project.rb:29:in projectCode': undefined method[]’ for nil

undefined method but I cannot see a problem with this

def projectCode
return @data[‘prj_id’]

and im populating my HTML as follows with a here document <<-


once again thanks to you all much appreciated …

Graeme Matthew
Analyst Programmer
Mercer Investment Consulting
Level 29, 101 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC, 3001, Australia
Tel - 61 3 9245 5352 Fax - 61 3 9245 5330



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Here is one I have not encountered :

c:/dev/cgi-bin/Project.rb:29:in projectCode': undefined method ’ for

undefined method but I cannot see a problem with this

def projectCode
return @data[‘prj_id’]

It’s a runtime error (the most common one I see).
Apparently @data has the value nil when you
try to apply to it…



----- Original Message -----
From: “Matthew, Graeme”
To: “ruby-talk ML”
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 10:15 PM
Subject: Something new undefined method