Trouble making extensions on windows

Hi, I'm using ruby192 and had a hard time trying to build my own c++ rb extension.
I installed the DevKit and my extconf.rb generated makefile seems to have no problem, but I got some 'undefined reference' build error that cannot find '_Unwind_Resume' and '__gxx_personality_v0'.
I don't know what is that about, yet I can successfully build a static library with same cpp files and same libraries in code blocks with the same compiler, so.. what exactly should I do now to make my extension work?

best regards

I solved the problem myself by rebuilding all *.a files and passed build. Strange...


From: "何平" <>
Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2011 10:09 AM
To: "ruby-talk ML" <>
Subject: trouble making extensions on windows

Hi, I'm using ruby192 and had a hard time trying to build my own c++ rb extension.
I installed the DevKit and my extconf.rb generated makefile seems to have no problem, but I got some 'undefined reference' build error that cannot find '_Unwind_Resume' and '__gxx_personality_v0'.
I don't know what is that about, yet I can successfully build a static library with same cpp files and same libraries in code blocks with the same compiler, so.. what exactly should I do now to make my extension work?

best regards

perhaps you were using different compilers for the various builds?


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