The fun continues

class Class
     def to_proc

   (1..5).map(&Array) => [[], [], [], [], []]
   (1..5).map(&String) => ["", "", "", "", ""]

Mmmmmmmmm, Ruuuuuuubyyyyyyy... *drool*

Daniel Schierbeck wrote:

  class Class
    def to_proc

  (1..5).map(&Array) => [, , , , ]
  (1..5).map(&String) => ["", "", "", "", ""]

Even cooler:

   class Class
     def to_proc
       proc{|*args| new(*args)}

   class Person
     def initialize(name)
       @name = name

     def inspect

   %w(john bob jane hans).map(&Person) => [john, bob, jane, hans]


Daniel Schierbeck wrote:

Daniel Schierbeck wrote:

  class Class
    def to_proc

  (1..5).map(&Array) => [, , , , ]
  (1..5).map(&String) => ["", "", "", "", ""]

Even cooler:

  class Class
    def to_proc
      proc{|*args| new(*args)}

  class Person
    def initialize(name)
      @name = name

    def inspect

  %w(john bob jane hans).map(&Person) => [john, bob, jane, hans]


This could have been done just as well by modifying Enumerable#map in the core, without adding new syntax.



New syntax?


On Jun 4, 2006, at 2:27 PM, Daniel Berger wrote:

Daniel Schierbeck wrote:

Daniel Schierbeck wrote:

  class Class
    def to_proc

  (1..5).map(&Array) => [, , , , ]
  (1..5).map(&String) => ["", "", "", "", ""]

Even cooler:
  class Class
    def to_proc
      proc{|*args| new(*args)}
  class Person
    def initialize(name)
      @name = name
    def inspect
  %w(john bob jane hans).map(&Person) => [john, bob, jane, hans]

This could have been done just as well by modifying Enumerable#map in the core, without adding new syntax.



Daniel Berger wrote:

This could have been done just as well by modifying Enumerable#map in the core, without adding new syntax.

Where's the fun in that? :slight_smile:

I simply had to share my love with the wonderful #to_proc, which continues to amaze me with its flexibility.
