More Proc Beauty

The madness continues! This is getting out of hand!

First, a recap:

   class Symbol
     def to_proc
       # leave out the `&block' unless
       # you're using Ruby 1.9
       proc{|obj, *args, &block| obj.send(self, *args, &block) }

   # now we can do stuff like this:
   %w{dog cat monkey}.collect(&:upcase) => ["DOG", "CAT", "MONKEY"]

   # this is also mainly 1.9 stuff
   module Enumerable
     class Enumerator
       def &(name)

   # This is cool, but it looks kind of weird:
   %w{cat dog monkey}.collect&:reverse => ["tac", "god", "yeknom"]

And here's the new stuff:

   # now, this is really, really stupid in a real-world app.
   # but hey, it's still pretty cool!
   def method_missing(name, *args)
     return name

   # now just look at all the coolness!
   %w{dog cat monkey}.collect&upcase => ["DOG", "CAT", "MONKEY"]

   # You can even put spaces in!
   %w{dog cat monkey}.collect & reverse => ["tac", "god", "yeknom"]

   # this will of course break if the variable is defined
   upcase = "foobar"
   %w{dog cat monkey}.collect & upcase => TypeError

I can't believe I used to write in PHP!


Daniel Schierbeck wrote:

The madness continues! This is getting out of hand!

Scarlet fever. Tell me, is there a little red ping-pong ball floating in your peripheral vision that you can't ever seem to stare directly at? In time, it will become your dearest friend.

  # now, this is really, really stupid in a real-world app.
  # but hey, it's still pretty cool!
  def method_missing(name, *args)
    return name

  # now just look at all the coolness!
  %w{dog cat monkey}.collect&upcase => ["DOG", "CAT", "MONKEY"]

Or maybe you could move your method_missing into Enumerator. Then you could do:

  %w{dog cat monkey}.collect.upcase => ["DOG", "CAT", "MONKEY"]


why the lucky stiff wrote:

Or maybe you could move your method_missing into Enumerator. Then you could do:

%w{dog cat monkey}.collect.upcase => ["DOG", "CAT", "MONKEY"]

Suuuure, if you want to do it the _easy_ way! :stuck_out_tongue:

Hehe, I was merely mesmerized by how easy it was to implement something like that.
