Does anyone have an easy project that I could work on and get paid for?
Something light, not something very serious and corporate.
I listed my skills, and I will copy and paste from a previous post on this
mailing list (with Andy)
I know
* C
* C++
* Bash
* D
* Python
* Ruby
* Some Perl
* Some Php
* Crystal
* Assembly Language
* Javascript
* Some awk
* My own language C += 2
I know some libraries in those languages.
I got into programming when I was 13. I am 26 now. So I have been doing
programming loosely speaking for 13 years.
If someone wants to hire me for a project that would be easy and that would
help me to build a better resume, then OK.
I am "equipped" with useful UNIX tools that I have made, so that might help
my productivity.
I don't care if I get paid a bad wage.
I made some websites for people in the past, but not that many, but I did
make money from those.
Gregory Cohen