Solution to ruby quiz #107

Hello. This is my first ever ruby program of more than 10 lines, so be
gentle. :slight_smile: I'm a java programmer by profession and it will probably show
in my solution, but I thought I'd post it and get feedback on my code.

I didn't do any of the extra credit, although the to_s on the LetterGrid
class is an alternate output format. Wildcards would be very easy to add.

I attached both my solution and some test cases I wrote along the way. If
attachments are not appropriate, I can re-submit with my code copied into
the body of the message (sorry for my n00b ignorance here!)


wordsearch.rb (3.48 KB)

wordsearchtest.rb (4.49 KB)

Since it seems like the posting that made it up on didn't end
up so easy to read, here is my code in-line.

require 'delegate'

class LetterGrid
  attr_reader :characterRows
  def initialize(*rows)
    @characterRows = rows.collect{|x|}

  def (key)

  def each
    @characterRows.each { |c| yield c }

  def sequences
    (horiz_sequences + vert_sequences + diag_right_sequences +

  def horiz_sequences
    result = @characterRows + @characterRows.collect{|x| x.reverse}

  def vert_sequences
    result =
    @characterRows.each{|row| row.each_with_index {|c,i| result[i] ?
result[i] << c : result[i] = [c]} }
    result += result.collect{|x| x.reverse}

  def diag_right_sequences

  def diag_sequences(arrayToLookAt)
    lists = right_diag(arrayToLookAt.length-1, arrayToLookAt[0].length-1)
    seqs = lists.collect{|x| x.inject("")){|accum, y|
accum << arrayToLookAt[y[0]][y[1]]}}
    seqs += seqs.collect{|x| x.reverse}

  def diag_left_sequences

  def to_s
    @characterRows.inject(""){|accum, row| accum += (row.to_s + "\n")}

  def search(*tokens)
    s = sequences
    s.each do |s|
      seq =
      tokens.each{|token| seq.findAndMark(token)}

class GridLetter
  def initialize(char)
    @char = char
    @found = false

  attr_accessor :found
  attr_reader :char

  def eql?(object)
    self == (object)

  def ==(object)
    object.equal?(self) || (object.instance_of?(self.class) &&
           object.char == char && object.found == found)

  def to_s
    if (@found)

class GridLetterSequence < DelegateClass(Array)
  def initialize(value)
    if (value.instance_of?(String))

  def to_s
    join(" ")

  def find(pattern)
    stringval = join
    results =
    i = 0
    while (loc = stringval.index(, "i"), i))
      results << [loc, (loc -1 + pattern.length)]
      i = loc + 1

  def markFound(ranges)
    ranges.each{|r| self[*r)].each{|x| x.found = true}}

  def findAndMark(pattern)

def right_diag(rows, columns)
  results =
  while (maxr >= 0 && minc <= columns)
    while (minr >= 0 && maxc <= columns)
      cs =
      rs =
      (minr..maxr).each {|r| rs << r}
      (minc..maxc).each {|c| cs << c}

      minr = minr - 1
      maxc = maxc + 1
      subresult =
      rs.each_with_index{|x,i| subresult << [x, cs[i]]}
      #subresult.each{|x| puts "#{x[0]}, #{x[1]}"}
      results << subresult
    maxr = maxr - 1 if (minc > 0 || rows >= columns)
    minc = minc + 1 if (maxr < columns || columns >= rows)
    minr = 0
    maxc = columns

if __FILE__ == $0
  rows =
  while ((row = gets.chomp) != "" )
    rows << row
  words = gets.chomp.split(/,/)
  words.collect{|word| word.strip!}

  g =*rows)*words)

  g.each do |r|
    r.each do |c|
      if (c.found)
        print c
        print "+"
      print " "


On 1/1/07, John Watson <> wrote:

Hello. This is my first ever ruby program of more than 10 lines, so be
gentle. :slight_smile: I'm a java programmer by profession and it will probably show
in my solution, but I thought I'd post it and get feedback on my code.

I didn't do any of the extra credit, although the to_s on the LetterGrid
class is an alternate output format. Wildcards would be very easy to add.

I attached both my solution and some test cases I wrote along the way. If
attachments are not appropriate, I can re-submit with my code copied into
the body of the message (sorry for my n00b ignorance here!)
