[ruby quiz #107]

Unfortunately, I've only done 1 extra credit thing (wildcard characters). I couldn't think of a good way of doing the snaking text without adding many more lines, so I didn't.

class Array
  def positions(value)
    positions = []
    each_index { |i| positions << i if self[i] == value }

class WordSearch
  def initialize(wordSearch,*words)
    @wordSearch = wordSearch
    @rows = @wordSearch.split(/\s+/).delete_if { |row| row == "" }
    @letters = @wordSearch.gsub(/\s+/,"").split(//)
    @words = *words
    @letterPositions = []
    @rowLength = @rows[0].length
    @numberOfRows = @rows.length
  def solve
    @words.each { |word|
      @letters.positions(word[0].chr).each { |letterPos|
        tooCloseToRight = (@rowLength - (letterPos % @rowLength)) < word.length
        tooCloseToLeft = letterPos % @rowLength < word.length
        tooCloseToTop = (letterPos / @rowLength) < word.length
        tooCloseToBottom = (@numberOfRows - (letterPos / @rowLength).to_i) < word.length
        search(word,letterPos,1) unless tooCloseToRight # to the right
        search(word,letterPos,-1) unless tooCloseToLeft # to the left

        search(word,letterPos,-(@rowLength - 1)) unless tooCloseToTop or tooCloseToRight # top right diagonal
        search(word,letterPos,-(@rowLength)) unless tooCloseToTop # above
        search(word,letterPos,-(@rowLength + 1)) unless tooCloseToTop or tooCloseToLeft # top left diagonal

        search(word,letterPos,@rowLength + 1) unless tooCloseToBottom or tooCloseToRight # bottom right diagonal
        search(word,letterPos,@rowLength) unless tooCloseToBottom # below
        search(word,letterPos,@rowLength - 1) unless tooCloseToBottom or tooCloseToLeft # bottom left diagonal
  def search(word,pos,direction)
    positions = []
    for i in (0...word.length)
      positions << (pos + direction*i) if word[i].chr == @letters[pos + direction*i] or word[i].chr == "*" or @letters[pos + direction*i] == "*"
    @letterPositions << positions if positions.length == word.length
  def printWordSearch
    @letters.each_index { |i|
      character = @letterPositions.include?(i) ? @letters[i] : "+"
      print character
      if (i + 1) % @rows[0].length == 0
        print "#{i/@rows[0].length + 1}".rjust(6)

wordSearch = []
loop do
  row = gets.chomp
  wordSearch << row
  break if row == ""
words = gets.chomp.upcase.split(/\s*,\s*/)
w = WordSearch.new(wordSearch.join("\n"),words)


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