Slow ruby start up on XP

On my Windows XP machine, if I run some command intensive operation
using the command prompt, (like a compile - or a ruby program – see
below), then if I try to start another ruby program from another command
prompt, it will take forever to start (or a long long time). On my
system a 400Mhz system, It takes a 30 seconds for the first print (of
the second program) to come out and > 5 minutes to get past the require
of fox. Normally it takes about 4 seconds for the app to come up.

I am planning to use Ruby as a GUI application for a hardware device we
are going to sell and I am worried that the application might not start
up if someone is doing intensive work (or as in the case below not
really that intensive). Any one have any ideas on what I could do about
this problem? Also can any one try it on their Window’s machine to see
how it runs or if you get similar results?

Anxious in Minnesota (Steve Tuckner)

P.S. For comparision I also ran a perl program that I wrote that uses TK
and it is hardly affected by the first running ruby program and I ran
Chandler the new super PIM written in python. It did seem to be
affected, but it still came up in 30 seconds instead of about 5 to 10.

--------- The first program is a simple counting program


while true
starttime =
for i in 1…100000
j = i * 3
endtime =
print "time = #{endtime - starttime}\n"

---------- The second program is a fox program

puts "before require fox"
require "fox"
puts “after require fox”

include Fox

class FxTestWindow < FXMainWindow
def initialize(app)

Invoke base class initialize first

super(app, “FxTest”, nil, nil, DECOR_ALL, 0, 0, 600, 600)


def create

def runGUI
puts “before”

Make an application

$application =“Dialog”, “FxWorld”)
puts “after”

Open the display


Construct the application’s main window$application)

Create the application


Run the application


puts "before runGUI"

Steve Tuckner