if have a text file I am parsing. I am using split to break the line into an
I want to then use splice to pick and choose the fields that I one.
so for example i have a string.
mystring = '1,2,3,4,5,6'
then i want to get an array but I only want the 2 field and the last three
myarray = mystring.split(',').splice(1,3..5)
This breaks.
I can get the range 3..5 or i get the element splice(1).
Am I missing something?
Do i just build the array as normal and then make a new array from the
elements I need?
Honestly I do not know about a splice method for Arrays
here is a less elegant way
m = mystring.split(',')
m[1..1] + m[3..5]
or in case you want to specify your ranges in a string
"1,3..5".split(",").map{|x| x.split("..")}.flatten.map{|x| m[x.to_i]}
or you write your own splice method
class Array
def splice( *args )
args.map{ |arg|
case arg
when Integer
when Range
raise TypeError, "blah #{arg} is not to our liking"
end # case arg
}.flatten.map{ |a| self[a] }
end # def splice( *args )
end # class Array
well now I know one
Hope that helps
On 6/6/06, Paul D. Kraus <paul.kraus@gmail.com> wrote:
if have a text file I am parsing. I am using split to break the line into
I want to then use splice to pick and choose the fields that I one.
so for example i have a string.
mystring = '1,2,3,4,5,6'
then i want to get an array but I only want the 2 field and the last three
myarray = mystring.split(',').splice(1,3..5)
Deux choses sont infinies : l'univers et la bêtise humaine ; en ce qui
concerne l'univers, je n'en ai pas acquis la certitude absolue.
if have a text file I am parsing. I am using split to break the line into an
I want to then use splice to pick and choose the fields that I one.
so for example i have a string.
mystring = '1,2,3,4,5,6'
then i want to get an array but I only want the 2 field and the last three
myarray = mystring.split(',').splice(1,3..5)
This breaks.
I can get the range 3..5 or i get the element splice(1).
Am I missing something?
Do i just build the array as normal and then make a new array from the
elements I need?