On a box of mine (a 2.6GHz dual core AMD 64 CPU), it takes 10 seconds to
make 10 arrays of 1.000.000 random numbers, and memory consumption was
about 500M. As for the access times :
ruby 1.9.1p0 (2009-01-20 revision 21700) [amd64-freebsd7]
Seeding in 8.921912
user system total real
Pseudo seqs 93.429688 0.218750 93.648438 ( 93.614218)
Real rand 108.500000 0.000000 108.500000 (108.456800)
The first is accessing the 10 arrays of numbers to pick 1.000.000
numbers between 1 and 26, the second uses the old rand method with no
reseeding whatsoever.
On the other hand, I don't know the exact kind of use you have, but...
you could also generate sequences of a few thousands in arrays and
simply cycle through them (i.e. reuse the numbers a few times). If
you're concerned about random distribution, this wouldn't be a problem ?
(Uglyish) code :
#! /usr/local/bin/ruby
require "benchmark"
t = Time.new
NUM_SEQ = 10
SEEDS = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]
NUM_NUMS = 1_000_000
$numbers =
NUM_SEQ.times do |i|
a = Array.new(NUM_NUMS) { rand }
$numbers << a
$curr_seq = 0
$curr_index = 0
$curr_nums = $numbers[0]
$indexes = Array.new(NUM_SEQ, 0)
puts "Seeding in #{"%2.6f" % (Time.new - t)}"
module Kernel
alias old_rand rand
def swap_seq(seq)
$indexes[$curr_seq] = $curr_index
$curr_seq = seq
$curr_index = $indexes[seq]
$curr_nums = $numbers[seq]
def reset_seq(seq)
$indexes[seq] = 0
$curr_index = 0 if seq == $curr_seq
def rand(x = nil)
r = $curr_nums[$curr_index]
$curr_index += 1
r = (r * x).to_i if x
acc = 1_000_000
n = 100
Benchmark.bm 20 do |x|
x.report "Pseudo seqs" do
n.times do
ns = 0
s = ""
nq = 0
acc.times do |z|
s = (rand(26) + 65).chr
nq += 1
if nq == 1000
ns = (ns + 1) % NUM_SEQ
nq = 0
NUM_SEQ.times { |q| reset_seq(q) }
x.report "Real rand" do
n.times do
s = ""
acc.times do |z|
s = (old_rand(26) + 65).chr
Le 23 janvier 2009 à 16:55, Bart Braem a écrit :
On Jan 23, 4:33 pm, "F. Senault" <f...@lacave.net> wrote:
Can you estimate the number of random numbers you'll need ? Maybe you
could pre-generate sequences of numbers in a few arrays, then patch the
rand method to actually read the array instead of generating the
number ?
The start time and memory consumption will be a lot higher, but maybe it
makes a good compromise ?
That is an idea, but quick calculations show the need of up to 100.000
random numbers. Which is quite a lot to calculate and most importantly
store and retrieve again.
Christian Fundamentalism: The doctrine that there is an absolutely
powerful, infinitely knowledgeable, universe spanning entity that is
deeply and personally concerned about my sex life. (Andrew Lias)