Kirk Haines wrote:
This is to announce the release of Crypt::ISAAC, a pure Ruby implementation of the ISAAC psuedo-random number generator. ISAAC is an algorithm for generating cryptographically secure psuedo-random numbers. This library has been part of the Iowa package for a couple of years. This version will become the canonical version, however.
Crypt::ISAAC can be used to setup multiple independent streams of random numbers, and offers a simple interface identical to that of Kernel.rand():
require 'crypt/isaac'
rng1 =
rng2 =
ri1 = rng1.rand(1000000)
ri2 = rng2.rand(1000000)
rf1 = rng1.rand
rf2 = rng2-rand
puts "#{ri1} -- #{ri2}"
puts "#{rf1} -- #{rf2}"
I am releasing the library as version 0.9 just because while I have been using it for a couple of years, nobody else has ever looked at it, so there may well be some tweaks and nudges to bits of it before I call it 1.0.
Thanks for that, Kirk. But I think I will need repeatability (as with Kernel#srand), for use in simulations, and also speed. So I kludged up a extension at\. It's public domain, just like the original ISAAC.
One difference: since I am interested in simulations, I followed Jenkins' advice and set the state vector length to 16 longs rather than 256 (smaller, faster, less secure). In the next iteration, I will make this selectable from the API.
It's not well tested, but usage is:
[ruby/prj/isaac/ext/isaac] irb -r
irb(main):001:0> r =
=> #<ISAAC:0x40208aa0>
irb(main):002:0> r.srand [234,546,7868,98]
=> [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
irb(main):003:0> r.rand32
=> 413434623
irb(main):004:0> r.rand32
=> 1012446849
irb(main):005:0> r.rand32
=> 3846288904
The input (and output) of #srand is an array of up to 16 longs used to seed the generator.
Also in the next version: float output, distributions as in the Rand.rb that someone pointed out, better namespace, etc.