Hello Javier,
thanks for your interest. I am working on the CMS as time permits and Rails lets me develop it very fast. I am trying to get my development time funded by clients, because than i could really do full time development on it. I know if that can happen by the end of September. We'll see...
Javier Leija wrote:
I like the idea. I spent most of last week searching for a good CMS
and I was disapointed that all the good ones like mambo, wordpress and
tikiwiki are developed in PHP. Over the weekend I had to learn a
little bit of PHP, enough to develop my own wiki component for mambo
(a mambot as they call their plugins). But you know what? I din't like
PHP. It does the job and it is simple enough if you know C++ but it
just doesn't feel anything like Ruby. However I was very impressed by
the architecture in mambo (www.mamboserver.com). Those guys did a
great job with mambo. It is very very easy to install, to add plugins
or new components, to develop extensions, etc. and, it looks great. I
just wish that they had implemented it in Ruby.
Yes, mambo is a nice piece of software (feature wise). It has been around pretty long. I am looking at other packages for inspiration, too.
- ezPublish
- drupal
- mambo
- Plone
- and others
By inspiration I mean looking at features that are useful and make working with the cms a pleasure. Featurewise I would like to have the following:
- Versioning
- Workflows
- Tree based contentobjects and navigation (s. ezPublish or drupal) and automatic sitemaps
- multiple websites per installation
- shop functionality
- multiple uses, i.e. every installation should be configurable to be a mixture of a blog/wiki/shop/news-site/portal/... (install ezPublish to see what i mean)
- WYSIWYG editor for textareas (Kupu) and/or full page editing via bitflux editor (mozilla only)
- modular (of course) plugins etc.
- really great UI, probably making use of XMLHttpRequest (like Gmail) s. http://www.sitepoint.com/blog-post-view.php?id=191776
- and, show that you can do all this with 1/5 of the code u would need with Java
- make it Open Source
among other things. I only have the tree based navigation figured out yet (and a very early UI), but I have only started. If I can get funded I plan to implement much of this functionality _this_ year. I have a good feeling about this, but don't hold me to it
I think Ruby with a clean CMS architecture like the one in mambo could
really make a difference for users and developers.
It always leaves me completely baffled that there is not _one_ such package for Ruby. But I don't exactly know what you mean by architecture. I think you mean the way you can work with the product (workflow)
I'd like to know how your efforts are going and maybe even help you
with some of the implementation. So please keep me posted.
Thanks for the offer. I am looking into rails right now and so far it proofed to be really useful for what I plan. When I (really) got the hang of it I will probably put up a project website. We'll see how it goes from there. But I want to have a little head start to define architecture and make the CMS fairly usable before posting the first version. I will surely announce it here if all goes well.
The next 2 weeks are client projects ...
Sascha Ebach