Ruby Weekly News

Ruby Weekly News: 05/09/2003

A summary of activity on the ruby-talk mailing list, brought to you
this week by Pat Eyler.




Syck 0.35 + YAML.rb 0.60 – the 1st stable release
Why the Lucky Stiff has released the first stable version of
syck, his new YAML in C engine, with Ruby bindings. Syck is a
faster replacement forthe old YAML in ruby version. It will
make your life better.

ruby-goto, your evil for the evening
In an attempt to bring a little more spaghetti to our code,
Ryan Pavlik has created a goto module for Ruby.

VAPOR 0.06, Transparent Persistence to PostgreSQL
VAPOR is a persistence framework that supports versioning and
transactions (or, at least it will when completed). Oliver M.
Bolzer has released an initial, incomplete version for public
review and use.

sql-serialize 0.0.3
Under the influence of the VAPOR announcment, Anders Borch has
announced his sql serialization tool as well. Within his
announcment was the suggestion that the various persistence in
RDBMS projects compare notes and see what they can learn from
one another. Ain’t Open Source development great?

dia2code-ruby-0.8.1 (unofficial)
Dmitry V. Sabanin has announced an unofficial release of a
patches to dia2code which will allow it to generate Ruby code
from Dia. Dmitry is also asking for feedback.


ruby-dev summary 20201 - 20315
Kazuo Saito has posted yet another translation and summary of
the Japanese language ruby-dev mailing list.

RCR: Enhancing matrix.rb
Michael Neumann has posted an RCR recommending three new
methods for the matrix class; collect! (and map!), [], and

RCR: join block
Simon Strandgaard posted an RCR asking about join blocks. E.g.,

      [1, 2, 3].join {|x| "<td>#{x}</td>"} =>

Ruby 1.8.0
George Moschovitis asked about possible release time frames for
Ruby 1.8.0 … From everyones answers, it looks like it will be
sooner rather than later.

Bytecode Compiler
Sean O’Dell asked about Bytecode compilers for Ruby, among the
responses was a pointer to ByteCodeRuby[1]

