Ruby Weekly News

Ruby Weekly News: 03/31/2003

A summary of activity on the ruby-talk mailing list, brought to you
this week by Pat Eyler.




RubLog 0.8
RubLog is written in pure Ruby and features a simple
installation procedure (nothing else to download). Blog
documents can be in RDoc, HTML, plain text format. The blog can
also display the contents of a Usemod wiki. Documents can be
stored in regular filesystem files, or can be read from a CVS
repository (useful if multiple people add entries to the blog,
or if you add blog entries from multiple machines). The blog
entries are searchable. The RubLog features an optional sidebar
with plug-in modules. It is shipped with plugins for lists of
links, blog contents summary, blogrolls, mini blogs (a sidebar
entry for each entry in a directory), and the search interface.
RubLog runs under Apache, and has experimental support for
Webrick. RubLog is used to drive

GridFlow 0.7.1
GridFlow is a multi-dimensional dataflow processing library for
Ruby, jMax and PureData, specialized in pictures and video.

FXRuby-1.0.21 Now Available
This is primarily a bug-fix release, but there’s been a lot of
progress on the API documentation as well.

mhttp - simple C based module implmentation for HTTP
Mhttp is a singleton representation of a small, and fast C
library for HTTP calls - mhttp. The objective of this module is
not to replace all the existing HTTP implementations, but to
provide a specialised implementation purely for speed.

Ruby-MacX alpha
This is a static binary of ruby for Macintosh OS X. It’s in a
disk image.

Ruby/zlib 0.6.0
Ruby/zlib version 0.6.0 is out.

Ruby-GNOME2-0.4.0 binaries(Cygwin, Debian)
Ruby-GNOME2-0.4.0 binaries are available.

Squawks of the Parrot
Here’s an interesting article (ok, blog) from Dan Sugalski
regarding Parrot. In light of some recent discussion on
continuations and closures, I thought it relevant. And, hey,
Parrot is always relevant to Ruby IMHO. While it focuses on
Perl, it’s certainly relevant to Ruby (and Python) as well.

tld.rb 0.11
tld.rb allows you to check wether a TLD (top level domain) is
valid or not where ‘to be valid’ means that the TLD is
presently in use on the Internet.

RHDL-0.4.2 (Ruby HDL) an agile HDL
An HDL (Hardware Description Language) built on the Ruby
scripting language. It tends to look a lot like VHDL.

xml-simple 0.6.0
This is a new Ruby library called xml-simple. It offers an
easy API to maintain XML (especially configuration files) and
was heavily inspried by Grant McLean’s Perl module XML::Simple

Text::Format 0.62
A new version of Text::Format


ruby-dev summary 19824-19877
An excellent summary and translation of the ruby-dev mailing
list by TAKAHASHI Masayosh.

ruby-dev summary 19878-19943
Another excellent summary and translation of the ruby-dev
mailing list, this time by Minero Aoki.