I’m trying to decide which Ruby web application framework to use (if
any) for a new project. To that end, I’m looking for all Ruby web
application frameworks that are out there. Following is what I have so far.
Am I missing any major contenders?
Has anyone actually used any of these on a full project? If so, what was
your experience with it? (Flexibility? Ease of learning? Ease of use?)
Name: Arrow
URL: http://www.rubycrafters.com/projects/Arrow
Status: Alpha
Update: 2004-Jan-19
Server: Apache/mod_ruby
Docs: In progress…not bad.
Name: Mortar
URL: http://fallingsnow.net/ruby/
Status: 0.9alpha
Update: 2004-Jan-24
Server: WEBrick, cgi, or mod_ruby
Docs: None
Name: Cerise
URL: http://rubyforge.org/projects/cerise/
Status: 0.5 "Stable"
Update: 2004-Jan-4
Server: Self
Docs: Piecemeal via links at http://cerise.rubyforge.org/
Name: CGIKit
URL: http://www.spice-of-life.net/download/cgikit/index_en.html
Status: 1.0b7
Update: 2003-Apr-17
Server: Self (?)
Docs: Reasonable, but written by non-native-english speakers.
Name: Borges
URL: http://segment7.net/ruby-code/borges/
Status: 1.0a3
Update: 2003-Jan-27
Server: WEBrick (Apache + DRb ‘soon’)
Docs: RDoc reference only…no documentation (that I could find)
Name: radical
URL: http://idanso.dyndns.org:8081/rportal/ (broken)
Status: 0.7 (under “rapid development”…as of september)
Update: 2003-Sep-13
Server: Self
Docs: ? (server broken)
Name: div
URL: http://www2a.biglobe.ne.jp/~seki/ruby/index.en.html
Status: 1.2 "usable"
Update: 2003-Feb-07
Server: dRuby, WEBrick, cgi
Docs: ? (japanese only)
Name: Ruby Publishing Framework
URL: http://software.terralab.com/framework/ (broken)
Status: 0.5.3 (‘very alpha’)
Update: 2002-Jan-31
Server: Apache/mod_ruby
Docs: ? (server gone)
Name: Ruby Web Application Framework
URL: https://sourceforge.net/projects/ruby-waf/
Status: 0.2 alpha
Update: 2001-May-30
Server: ?
Docs: Some (raw text only)
Name: SBSM
URL: http://www.ywesee.com/index.cgi?SbSm
Status: 0.6beta
Update: 2003-Sep-23
Server: ?
Docs: ? (no?)
Name: Wakaba
URL: http://www.blue.sky.or.jp/atelier/ruby/wakaba/
Status: 0.1
Update: 2002-Sep-10
Server: ?
Docs: no