[ANN] Arrow-0.1.0

Hi Fellow Rubyists.

I'm pleased and proud to announce (finally) the first public release of the Arrow Web Application Framework.

## General Information

Arrow is a web application framework for mod_ruby. It was designed to make
development of web applications under Apache easier and more fun without
sacrificing the power of being able to access the native Apache API.

## Why another web framework?

We chose to write this framework despite the existance of several interesting
and excellent frameworks already written in Ruby for several reasons:

* mod_ruby: No existing frameworks (that we know of) run under mod_ruby, or at
   least not with the same kind of access as a first-order handler.

* Apache: Some current frameworks are very compelling but for one thing: they
   run using their own webserver written in Ruby. While this is fine for some
   lighter applications, our experience showed that this strategy does not
   scale as well as Apache, nor does it allow the application developer to
   leverage all of the other functionality already built in to Apache or
   available as modules.

* Advanced features: While there are some current frameworks that provide some
   of the features we desired for application development, there were none that
   supported them all.

* Extensibility/customizability: Many of the current frameworks make it
   difficult to override or extend their built-in features. We wanted something
   that would allow us to adapt to any situation.

## Design Goals

Our primary intent when creating Arrow was to make development of applications
under mod_ruby easier without sacrificing power. To that end, we started with
four major goals:

1. Apache API: The developer should still have access to most or all of the
    Apache API, but without being required to know or care about most of it if
    she does not want to.

2. Persistant resources: Applications should be able to take advantage of
    persistant resources like cached database handles, connection pools, etc.

3. No fork overhead: Like with native mod_ruby handlers or registry CGIs, the
    overhead of the fork and compile phase should be minimized.

4. Automatic reload: Maintain the immediacy of CGI with auto-reloaded
    applications, configuration, and templates to avoid the server-restart cycle
    that is required with every change in programming with mod_ruby handlers.

## Features

We also wanted to add some features which are useful in most all web application

* Templating: To separate presentation HTML from application logic, we decided
   to provide an integrated templating system that uses valid XHTML documents (or
   document fragments) for templates. We also realized that there are already
   many excellent templating systems available for Ruby, and so we tried to make
   it as easy as possible to use your own preferred templating library instead of
   ours if you should so choose.

* Sessions: Many web application developers find it necessary to maintain state
   between connections in their applications, so Arrow includes sessions that are
   very easy to use, but can be configured to use one of a number of different
   configurable strategies on the back end for storage, locking, and key

* Argument validation/untainting: Web applications need to handle input from end
   users which needs to be untainted and validated against a definition of what
   constitutes legal data. Fortunately, Travis Whitton already wrote an excellent
   Ruby data-validation library called FormValidator, which is built into Arrow.

* Modular applications: Very often, web applications need to share several
   subsystems (e.g., authentication/authorization, state checkpointing and
   validation, etc.) which are orthogonal to the main application logic but still
   necessary. Arrow allows some apps to act as delegators, providing some
   functionality for all apps which are chained through it.

* Graceful error-handling: Sometimes applications fall on their face, and there
   is little more frustrating than having to track down an error trace from
   within the bowels of your app. Arrow provides a customizable error-handling
   mechanism that can be used to speed development and act on errors

* Strong introspection: One of Ruby's strengths is its strong introspection
   features, and we wanted to build on those strengths. Arrow has some powerful
   introspection facilities that let the developer examine the state of
   applications, templates, sessions, etc.

## Current Status

This is a beta release. Things will probably break, but the APIs are fairly
fixed and it's feature-complete for the 1.0.0 release. If you do find something
broken, please let us know.

## Contact

Project Page:
Manual/Tutorial (under construction):

Thanks for your time.

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Michael Granger <ged@FaerieMUD.org>
Rubymage, Architect, Believer
The FaerieMUD Consortium <http://www.FaerieMUD.org/>