[ruby-talk:444551] [ANN] rubygems-sandbox 1.3.2 Released

rubygems-sandbox version 1.3.2 has been released!

* home: <http://www.zenspider.com/projects/rubygems-sandbox.html&gt;
* code: <https://github.com/seattlerb/rubygems-sandbox&gt;
* rdoc: <http://seattlerb.rubyforge.org/rubygems-sandbox&gt;

The sandbox plugin for rubygems helps you manage your command-line
tools and their dependencies. Sandboxed gems are installed in their
own private rubygem repositories with all of their dependencies. This
means that you don't have to have a rat's nest of gems in your global
repository in order to run popular command-tools like rdoc, flog,
flay, rcov, etc.

gem sandbox has the following sub-commands:

  * install gem_name ... - install 1 or more gems
  * plugin gem_name plugin_name ... - install a gem and plugins for it
  * remove gem_name ... - uninstall 1 or more gems
  * help - show this output

Once you install gem sandbox will output something like:

    Copy the following scripts to any directory in your path to use them:

    cp /Users/USER/.gem/sandboxes/GEM/bin/TOOL _in_your_$PATH_

Copy the scripts to a directory in your path (eg ~/bin or /usr/bin)
and you're good to go.


### 1.3.2 / 2024-08-27

* 1 bug fix:

  * Warn if it might not be a sandbox.


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