Add the following to $HOME/.nanorc for Ruby syntax highlighting in
Nano. Please report any issues - it is a quick and dirty hack.
Ruby syntax highlighting for Nano.
Author: Josef ‘Jupp’ Schugt, jupp(a)rubyforge.org
License: GPL 2 or later
Version: 0.1 of 2004-02-20
Automatically use for ‘.rb’ files
syntax “ruby” “.*.*rb$”
color white “.+”
color brightyellow "::|**|!|~|*|/|%|+|-|&|<<|>>||^|>|>=|<|<="
color brightyellow "<=>||||!=|=~|!~|&&|+=|-=|=|..|..."
color brightyellow “<not>|<and>|<or>”
color brightyellow "<(BEGIN|END|alias|and|begin|break|case)>"
color brightyellow "<(class|def|defined|do|else|elsif|end)>"
color brightyellow "<(ensure|for|if|in|module|next|not|or|redo)>"
color brightyellow "<(rescue|retry|return|self|super|then|undef)>"
color brightyellow “<(unless|until|when|while|yield)>”
false, nil, true
color magenta “<(false|nil|true)>”
Above must not match ‘nil?’
color white “<nil?”
external stuff
color brightgreen “<(load|require|%q|%!|%Q|%r|%x)”
color brightgreen “|\w*|”
color yellow “<[A-Z]\w*>”
color yellow “([ \t]|^):(@|@@|$)?\w+>”
color green “”(\.|[^\"])"|’(\.|[^\’])’"
color green “(\\.|[^\\\"])*
Regular expressions
color green “/(\.|[^\/])/[imox]”
color red "\[0-7][0-7][0-7]|\x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]"
color red "\[abefnrs]"
color red “(\c|\C-|\M-|\M-\C-).”
Expression substitution
color red “#{[^}]*}|#(@|@@|$)\w+”
Simple comments
color cyan “#([^{].*)?$”
color brightcyan “^#!.*”
Multiline comments
color cyan start="^=begin" end="^=end"
For this to be functional Nano must be compiled to read
$HOME/.nanorc and support syntax highlighting.
Josef ‘Jupp’ SCHUGT
http://oss.erdfunkstelle.de/ruby/ - German comp.lang.ruby FAQ
http://rubyforge.org/users/jupp/ - Ruby projects at Rubyforge
Oops :->
Well, a Ruby syntax highlighter in Ruby would be interesting, too.
Josef ‘Jupp’ Schugt
http://oss.erdfunkstelle.de/ruby/ - German comp.lang.ruby FAQ
http://rubyforge.org/users/jupp/ - Ruby projects at Rubyforge
Great! Thanks.
I am getting the following errors, though:
Error in /root/.nanorc on line 16: Bad regex
"<=>||||!=|=~|!~|&&|+=|-=|=|..|...": Invalid preceding regular
Press return to continue starting nano
Error in /root/.nanorc on line 59: Bad regex “#{[^}]*}|#(@|@@|$)\w+”:
Invalid content of {}
Press return to continue starting nano
My nano -V gives:
GNU nano version 1.2.2 (compiled 11:27:12, Oct 11 2003)
Email: nano@nano-editor.org Web: http://www.nano-editor.org/
options: --disable-justify --enable-color --enable-multibuffer --enable-nano
- Chris Pine:
[Errors while nano parses syntax highlighting for Ruby]
My nano -V gives:
GNU nano version 1.2.2 (compiled 11:27:12, Oct 11 2003)
Try nano 1.2.3 and report if the problem persists.
Josef ‘Jupp’ SCHUGT
E-Mail: .— …- .–. .–. .–.-. --. – -…- .-.-.- -… .
http://oss.erdfunkstelle.de/ruby/ - German comp.lang.ruby FAQ
http://rubyforge.org/users/jupp/ - Ruby projects at Rubyforge
“Josef ‘Jupp’ SCHUGT” jupp@gmx.de wrote in message news:<20040222183456.GB2853@jupp%gmx.de>…
- Chris Pine:
[Errors while nano parses syntax highlighting for Ruby]
My nano -V gives:
GNU nano version 1.2.2 (compiled 11:27:12, Oct 11 2003)
Try nano 1.2.3 and report if the problem persists.
Josef ‘Jupp’ SCHUGT
There were some missing escape backslashes, here are the regexps that work for
me (nano 1.2.3)
color brightyellow “::|**|!|~|*|/|%|+|-|&|<<|>>||^|>|>=|<|<=”
color brightyellow “<=>||||!=|=~|!~|&&|+=|-=|=|..|...”
color brightyellow “<not>|<and>|<or>”
Expression substitution
color red “#{[^}]*}|#(@|@@|$)\w+”
“Josef ‘Jupp’ SCHUGT” jupp@gmx.de wrote in message news:<20040222183456.GB2853@jupp%gmx.de>…
[Errors while nano parses syntax highlighting for Ruby]
There were some missing escape backslashes, here are the regexps that work for
me (nano 1.2.3)
color brightyellow “<=>||||!=|=~|!~|&&|+=|-=|=|..|...”
The difference is that ‘+=’ has been changed to ‘+=’. Very strange.
My nano should have complained about that - but it didn’t :-<
Expression substitution
color red “#{[^}]*}|#(@|@@|$)\w+”
Here ‘#{[^}]}’ has been replaced by '#{[^}]}’: Again no error
message here 8-|
Josef ‘Jupp’ Schugt
E-Mail: .— …- .–. .–. .–.-. --. – -…- .-.-.- -… .
http://oss.erdfunkstelle.de/ruby/ - German comp.lang.ruby FAQ
http://rubyforge.org/users/jupp/ - Ruby projects at Rubyforge