Ruby Syntax Highlighter for Nano

I spent around an hour looking for a Ruby syntax highlighter for Nano.
I couldn't find one so I decided to try my best at creating my own. If
anyone has any suggestions or wants to help improve it, be my guest.

Get it here:

To install:
Copy and add all of the text from pastebin to the bottom of ~/.nanorc
If .nanorc does not exist create it.

Nanorc doc -

Note: Tested using Nano 1.2.4 in Fedora Core 3 Linux


Posted via

Hey Jason,

Good work... i've searched for it too, but after looking through the existing
styles i decided it's not worth the effort and switched to vim instead...
However, nano has been/and for really quick editing still is, my favorite

thx a lot for your effort :slight_smile:

~~~~ manveru


Am Samstag, 24. Dezember 2005 07:36 schrieb Jason Jung:

I spent around an hour looking for a Ruby syntax highlighter for Nano.
I couldn't find one so I decided to try my best at creating my own. If
anyone has any suggestions or wants to help improve it, be my guest.

Get it here:

To install:
Copy and add all of the text from pastebin to the bottom of ~/.nanorc
If .nanorc does not exist create it.

Nanorc doc - Manpage of NANORC

Note: Tested using Nano 1.2.4 in Fedora Core 3 Linux

One quick edit to your script.

If you swap the following two segments, the highlighter won't think "#{expression}" is a comment.

# Words in Quotes
#color green ""[^\"]*""
color green ""[^"]*"|qq\|.*\|"
color green "'[^']*'"

# Comments
color brightyellow "#.*"


# Comments
color brightyellow "#.*"

# Words in Quotes
#color green ""[^\"]*""
color green ""[^"]*"|qq\|.*\|"
color green "'[^']*'"


On Dec 24, 2005, at 1:36 AM, Jason Jung wrote:

I spent around an hour looking for a Ruby syntax highlighter for Nano.
I couldn't find one so I decided to try my best at creating my own. If
anyone has any suggestions or wants to help improve it, be my guest.

Get it here:

To install:
Copy and add all of the text from pastebin to the bottom of ~/.nanorc
If .nanorc does not exist create it.

Nanorc doc - Manpage of NANORC

Note: Tested using Nano 1.2.4 in Fedora Core 3 Linux

Posted via\.

Version 0.8.1
Added Ryan Sobol's suggestion


On 12/24/05, J. Ryan Sobol <> wrote:

On Dec 24, 2005, at 1:36 AM, Jason Jung wrote:

> I spent around an hour looking for a Ruby syntax highlighter for Nano.
> I couldn't find one so I decided to try my best at creating my
> own. If
> anyone has any suggestions or wants to help improve it, be my guest.
> Get it here:
> To install:
> Copy and add all of the text from pastebin to the bottom of ~/.nanorc
> If .nanorc does not exist create it.
> Nanorc doc - Manpage of NANORC
> Note: Tested using Nano 1.2.4 in Fedora Core 3 Linux
> --
> Posted via\.

One quick edit to your script.

If you swap the following two segments, the highlighter won't think "#
{expression}" is a comment.

# Words in Quotes
#color green ""[^\"]*""
color green ""[^"]*"|qq\|.*\|"
color green "'[^']*'"

# Comments
color brightyellow "#.*"


# Comments
color brightyellow "#.*"

# Words in Quotes
#color green ""[^\"]*""
color green ""[^"]*"|qq\|.*\|"
color green "'[^']*'"
