Ruby Open Data Week 2021 - 7 Days of Ruby (Open Data) Gems - factbook, beerdb, sportdb, schemadoc & more


    Welcome to the Ruby Open Data Week 2021 [1] that presents a new
Ruby (open data) library
  every day from March 6th to March 12th. Have your say! Claim a free day!

  Let's join in and celebrate the (international) Open Data Day 2021
with a week long celebration of open data gems from the Ruby universe.

   Do you have an open data Ruby gem that you'd like to write about?
   Love publishing your posts.
  Open an issue ticket or send in a pull request to get started
  and your article posted in the Open Data Week series on Planet Ruby.

   The first posted write-ups include:

- Day 1 - factbook [2a]
  Turn the World Factbook into Open Structured Data (e.g JSON) - Free
Intelligence on the History,
   People, Government, Economy, Energy, Geography, Communications,
Transportation, Military 'n' Terrorism
   for 260+ Countries

- Day 2 - beerdb [2b]
  Serve a Guinness Irish Stout or a Bamberg Aecht Schlenkerla
Rauchbier Märzen as JSON - Free Home Delivery

- Day 3 - sportdb [2c]
  Read in Sport (Football) Datasets in (Structured) Text Into Your SQL
Database of Choice
(SQLite, PostgreSQL, etc) - World Cup, English Premier League, Spanish La Liga,
  Austrian Bundesliga and More

- Day 4 - Your gem (write-up) here - Unclaimed, You? - Yes, you can!

   Cheers. Prost.

[2a] Day 1 - factbook Gem - Turn the World Factbook into Open Structured Data (e.g JSON) - Free Intelligence on the History, People, Government, Economy, Energy, Geography, Communications, Transportation, Military ‘n’ Terrorism for 260+ Countries | Best of Ruby Gems Series
[2b] Day 2 - beerdb Gem - Serve a Guinness Irish Stout or a Bamberg Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier Märzen as JSON - Free Home Delivery | Best of Ruby Gems Series
[2c] Day 3 - sportdb Gem - Read in Sport (Football) Datasets in (Structured) Text Into Your SQL Database of Choice (SQLite, PostgreSQL, etc) - World Cup, English Premier League, Spanish La Liga, Austrian Bundesliga and More | Best of Ruby Gems Series


  Some more write-ups in the open data series:

- Day 4 - schemadoc Gem - Auto-Generate Your SQL Database Schema
Documentation for Tables, Columns, Symbols A-Z, Etc - Use Your Own
(Static Jekyll) Themes And More [1a]

- Bonus! Day 4 - annotate Gem - Annotate Your ActiveRecord Models
with Comments about Your Database Table Structure [1b]

- Day 5 - csvpack Gem - Work with Tabular Data Packages (.CSV Files w/
datapackage.json) using SQLite In-Memory (w/ ActiveRecord) [1c]

- Day 6 - Your gem (write-up) here - Unclaimed, You? - Yes, you can!

   Cheers. Prost.

[1a] Day 4 - annotate Gem - Annotate Your ActiveRecord Models with Comments about Your Database Table Structure | Best of Ruby Gems Series
[1b] Day 4 - schemadoc Gem - Auto-Generate Your SQL Database Schema Documentation for Tables, Columns, Symbols A-Z, Etc - Use Your Own (Static Jekyll) Themes And More | Best of Ruby Gems Series
[1c] Day 5 - csvpack Gem - Work with Tabular Data Packages (.CSV Files w/ datapackage.json) using SQLite In-Memory (w/ ActiveRecord) | Best of Ruby Gems Series