I've collected some beers and breweries for a new free open public domain
beer database, that is, beer.db[1]. Use the beerdb Ruby gem [2] to read
(import) the plain text fixtures and
setup your database e.g.
$ beerdb setup --include ../beer.db --worldinclude ../world.db
For easy reuse the gem includes some ActiveRecord models e.g.
>> brooklyn = Brewery.find_by_key( 'brooklyn' )
>> brooklyn.title
=> "Brooklyn Brewery"
>> brooklyn.beers
=> "Brooklyn Lager"
"Brooklyn Brown Ale"
"Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout"
>> asahi = Beer.find_by_key( 'asahisuperdry' )
>> asahi.title
=> "Asahi Super Dry"
>> asahi.brewery
=> "Asahi Breweries"
and so on.
Note, there's also a litte HTTP JSON API web service included [3] and
last but not least I've started on a litte web app (beer.db.admin) [4].
All code and data is public domain.
Cheers. Prost. Salud. Kampai. Yung sing. Sláinte.
- Gerald
[1] https://github.com/geraldb/beer.db
[2] https://rubygems.org/gems/beerdb
[3] https://github.com/geraldb/beer.db.ruby/blob/master/lib/beerdb/server.rb
[4] http://prost.herokuapp.com/countries