Ruby on Rails image problem

hey, i am new to ruby, and i want to try this out
just showing all the products from the database with there image

this is the code:

<title>All Recipes</title>

<table cellspacing="0" border="0">

<% @products.each do |product| %>
<tr class="productnaam">
  <td width="450px" class=""><%= link_to, :action => "show",
:id => %></td>
  <td align="right"><%= link_to "<img src='details.gif' />", :action =>
"show", :id => %></td>
  <td><b>Prijs/stuk:</b> ? <%= product.price %></td>
  <td align="right">
   <img src="<%= product.image %>" alt="<%= %>"
<% end %>


<p><%= link_to "Create new recipe", :action => "new" %></p>
<img src="details.gif"/>

i cant get the image to show, how must u do that, even an regular image, and
where do i need to put the files???

thanks in advance

You can put all your images inside public/images, which is created by
the rails command, so it alread exists. If you do that, you can use the
helper image_tag to have Rails automatically generate the correct tag.
For example, to display your details.gif, you can do the following :
<%= image_tag "details.gif" %>
And Rails will generate the correct img tag (including when the root of
your Rails application is not the root of your web server), something
<img src="/approot/images/details.gif" alt="DETAILS" />

for more details.