Ruby "Game" (Graphics & Sound) Frameworks

What's the state of Ruby with regard to "game" frameworks, a la PyGame or DirectX?

Is there an easy way to say "work in a 800x600 window, here's a background, here's some sprites, here's a floating 3D model, here's some sound" and just have it work?

My own researches so far:

There exist some OpenGL bindings for Ruby from someone called "Yoshi"; I am unable to determine what state the project is in. The published version is 0.32 and none of the files have been touched in a year.

There is a RubyGame site with a help wanted page but little else in the way of telling you what's there. It hasn't reached a packagable state yet; I was unable to build the framework. This is probably due to some oddities with SDL; I am unable after 20 minutes of fighting with apt to determine what SDL components my system has, let alone what version they are. (sdl-config is clearly missing, but I cannot see what pkg to use to make it not be missing.)

If you had to do an interactive graphics-and-sound presentation in Ruby this weekend, where would you start?



David Brady
Grizzled C++/Python/Perl hacker. New to Ruby. Take my Ruby statements with the appropriate amount of salt.
I'm having a really surreal day... OR AM I?

David Brady wrote:

What's the state of Ruby with regard to "game" frameworks, a la PyGame or DirectX?

I think the most usable framework is RUDL (\)
I used it in 3 projects so far and never had any serious problems.

Is there an easy way to say "work in a 800x600 window, here's a background, here's some sprites, here's a floating 3D model, here's some sound" and just have it work?

Everything except the floating 3D model is very easy with RUDL, you'd have to render the model with OpenGL on your own. (But RUDL handles the OpenGL initialization)

- Peter

David Brady wrote:

What's the state of Ruby with regard to "game" frameworks, a la PyGame or DirectX?

Is there an easy way to say "work in a 800x600 window, here's a background, here's some sprites, here's a floating 3D model, here's some sound" and just have it work?

Except for the 3D model this is all done by Ruby-Gosu in a very Ruby-like way.

Have a look at