What's the state of Ruby with regard to "game" frameworks, a la PyGame or DirectX?
Is there an easy way to say "work in a 800x600 window, here's a background, here's some sprites, here's a floating 3D model, here's some sound" and just have it work?
My own researches so far:
There exist some OpenGL bindings for Ruby from someone called "Yoshi"; I am unable to determine what state the project is in. The published version is 0.32 and none of the files have been touched in a year.
There is a RubyGame site with a help wanted page but little else in the way of telling you what's there. It hasn't reached a packagable state yet; I was unable to build the framework. This is probably due to some oddities with SDL; I am unable after 20 minutes of fighting with apt to determine what SDL components my system has, let alone what version they are. (sdl-config is clearly missing, but I cannot see what pkg to use to make it not be missing.)
If you had to do an interactive graphics-and-sound presentation in Ruby this weekend, where would you start?
David Brady
Grizzled C++/Python/Perl hacker. New to Ruby. Take my Ruby statements with the appropriate amount of salt.
I'm having a really surreal day... OR AM I?