Hi all,
This is a summary of ruby-dev ML in these days.
[ruby-dev:21139] owner of installed files
Tietew reported a security bug of ruby 1.8.0 installer.
The owner of installed files becomes the user who built
the ruby, not installed. If you compiled and installed
ruby in different users, check it now.
[ruby-dev:21146] Regexp.alt(pat1, pat2, …)
TANAKA Akira proposed a new method Regexp.alt, which makes a new
Regexp object from its sub-patterns. e.g.
Regexp.alt(/aa/, /bb/, /cc/) == /aa|bb|cc/
Matz agreed with him on the concept, but we still needs better name.
Akira suggested “union” and “or” and Matz selected “union”.
[ruby-dev:21147] [Oniguruma] list of all captures
[ruby-dev:21174] [Oniguruma] Version 1.9.2
TANAKA Akira suggested a new function, to capture all matchings for
the one expression. e.g.
m = /(?@<name>\/\w+)+/.match("/usr/local/bin/ruby")
p m['name'] #=> ["/usr", "/local", "/bin", "/ruby"]
Get latest version from:
[ruby-dev:21153] ChangeLog
U.Nakamura asked matz when we should update ChangeLog.
* We should update ChangeLog if we modify any file in the standard
distribution, including lib/ and ext/.
Nobuyoshi Nakada also asked matz when we should update version.h.
* We should update version.h if we modify any file in the standard
distribution, including lib/ and ext/.
[ruby-dev:21170] soap4r to /src/ruby/lib
NAKAMURA Hiroshi announced that he is ready to import soap4r in the
ruby’s CVS repository. But we still have some problems:
* soap4r depends on devel-logger.
* soap4r depends on http-access2
(http-access2 covers almost same layer with net/http).
Minero Aoki suggested to bundle http-access2 as the internal library
of soap4r (e.g. soap4r/http).
– Minero Aoki