“Hal E. Fulton” hal9000@hypermetrics.com writes:
From: “Arthur Chance” {spamtrap}@qeng-ho.org
Newsgroups: comp.lang.ruby
To: “ruby-talk ML” ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 8:12 AM
Subject: Re: regular expressions
[Me wittering about Snobol]
[snip interesting SNOBOL stuff]
First of all, it does my heart good to know that I am not
actually the oldest person on this list. When you were
programming in SNOBOL, I was barely in sixth grade, and
the only computers I knew of were in Star Trek reruns.
Excuse me while I go and quietly crumble in the corner.
As you get older either the memory goes or the mental arithmetic
abilities, but I can’t remember which. However, a recalculation shows
me that it was only a mere 27-28 years ago that I started using
Snobol. Even with that correction it was still back when I had far
more hair and far less waist.
More on-topic: I had an idea for “de-obfuscating” regexes
a year or more ago; and I may even have mentioned it on
the list. In fact, I think I did. Generally I wanted to
use a notation that was more like a programming language
(in a vein similar to the SNOBOL stuff you showed us)
which could (e.g.) be put into here-documents and compiled
into regular Ruby regexes.
But eventually I was convinced that the Rockit parser could
do everything I wanted to do (though in a somewhat different
fashion, no doubt). So I abandoned that idea.
I’ve never look at Rockit much. I assume it’s in the RAA.
But I’d be curious to know what a SNOBOL hacker thinks
of it.
I wouldn’t exactly describe myself as a SNOBOL hacker (the main
languages I used at the time were Algol68 + various assemblers),
SNOBOL was just this great tool for mashing strings around, much like
Ruby and Perl today. (Admission of dirty secrets: I used it mainly to
take the fixed format output from Fortran programs and massage it into
entirely differently shaped fixed format input for other Fortran
programs. The people who I did it for thought it was miraculous, just
the same as suits used to Office do today when watching an ad-hoc
script in Ruby/Perl. Some things never change.)
Anyway, I hadn’t seen Rockit before you mentioned it, so this is an
off the top of the head response. I have seriously used lexical and
parser generators as well as hand writing lexers and parsers over the
years (part of my career has been in academic CS, part designing and
implementing proprietary languages for industry including one (Magik)
that’s remarkably like Ruby in feel. Matz and I obviously absorbed the
same influences.)
My general feeling is that regexps or similar ideas like Snobol
patterns are at a different level from parsing. Of course, the fact
that Rockit (like a few other parser generators) generates both lexer
and scanner from the same input rather blurs the distinction, but I
tend to think lexing is like brick laying and parsing is like
architecture - you generally wouldn’t want one job done by the
practitioner of the other.
The line from the SourceForge website
rockit-generated parsers builds the AST; NO need to write “action
code” in the grammar. “Action code” separated from grammar
rather makes me wince. To be fair this may be because I grew up with
LL(1) and LALR(1) based parser generators, where one often has to warp
the grammar away from the ambiguous grammar that would produce a
“natural” AST, and GLR parsing may not suffer this problem, but when
working on compilers I want the AST I design, not one a program with
no idea of what I’m going to do with it afterwards generates. (This
could always be me just being an old fogey of course.)
Generally I tend to believe in using tools that work for the job in
hand but have never met one that does everything well. (I spent a
couple of years working in PL/I which tried to be all things to all
men. Shudder.) Rockit looks like it will be a useful tools for
rapidly writing small and useful parser systems in Ruby, especially as
it uses GLR, but it’s overkill for a job regexps can already do.
In truth the parsing problem was really solved for most practical
purposes 10-20 years ago and another parser generator, even a GLR one
is really a “me too” exercise. Now if someone can produce a Ruby
framework for prototyping provably correct AST transformation, plus
optimised code generation automatically derived from a machine
specification, and spit it out in a form that can be used by C code,
that would be wonderful. But that’s a long way from regexp notation
where we started. Maybe what’s needed is Ruby code that takes a regexp
denotation and explains it in English (or whatever human language is
prefered), just like the program that turns C declarations into
----- Original Message -----
Conspiracy theories exist to prevent you knowing what’s really going on.