I have a question that requires a bit of background that I hope some
of you can help me with (your opinions welcome).
I have been a windows database application developer for almost a
decade. I am young (22) and still wanting to learn more languages,
database systems, etc. I have fiddled with Linux for quite a while
now, and have played with Ruby and find it to be a very nice language.
I run a software consulting shop that specializes in database
applications and we have a few vertical market apps.
I’m wondering if all of you think that Ruby is mature enough to write
REAL database applications that will be closed (vertical market) or
open source (admin tools) that run on Linux and have nice GUIs. I’m
thinking of mySQL or PostgreSQL for the backend, but are there any
bindings for oracle, db2 or pervasive available/in the works?
I would also like to be able to do Windows versions of these apps.
What GUIs are mature enough? Do any (Linux or windows) do
What about IDEs, are they there yet, if not, how soon?
What about compiliing to an executeable? Is this just experimental,
or is it something that works and can be used?
Can I use Ruby (and SHOULD I) for making web aware database
applications on Linux? (I already have all of this in Windows)
IOW, is Ruby +some GUI +some DB +some compiler +some IDE, a viable
option at this point for database applications?
Should I being using Ruby as a scripting language for little stuff or
as a “glue” tool, or should I write application in it?
Thanx for any help, and if this questions is somewhere else answered,
feel free to flame me with the URL