Ruby and parsing

Hi all,

Firstly, Happy New Year :stuck_out_tongue:

Secondly, I have a c++ source code with many "try catch".

try {
catch (Exception &pException) {
  <BODY OF CATCH (for Exception)>

I would like to parse my file and add a 'catch' with std::exception automatically,
to get the next example.

try {
catch (Exception &pException) {
  <BODY OF CATCH (for Exception)>
/// New catch added by a ruby script.
catch (std::exception &pException) {
  <Fill the body of this catch with the body of catch (for Exception).>

How can I do it ? Because I find some problems :frowning:
1) Try to parse a lot of line with Regexp.
2) In the body of a 'catch', it can contains brackets

Best Regards,


Stephane Wirtel wrote:

Hi all,

Firstly, Happy New Year :stuck_out_tongue:

Secondly, I have a c++ source code with many "try catch".

try {
catch (Exception &pException) {
<BODY OF CATCH (for Exception)>

I would like to parse my file and add a 'catch' with std::exception automatically,
to get the next example.

try {
catch (Exception &pException) {
<BODY OF CATCH (for Exception)>
/// New catch added by a ruby script.
catch (std::exception &pException) {
<Fill the body of this catch with the body of catch (for Exception).>

How can I do it ? Because I find some problems :frowning:
1) Try to parse a lot of line with Regexp.
2) In the body of a 'catch', it can contains brackets

Best Regards,


I don't think Regexp is a viable alternative for this one - you might want to implement a trivial recursive-descent parser for C++, counting the opening and closing brackets after each catch clause. Unless the bodies of the exception handlers contain unmatched brackets in strings, that should work.

David Vallner

I don't think Regexp is a viable alternative for this one - you might
want to implement a trivial recursive-descent parser for C++, counting
the opening and closing brackets after each catch clause. Unless the
bodies of the exception handlers contain unmatched brackets in strings,
that should work.

Thanks David,

I will try this solution during my week.

Best Regards,
