C++ from Ruby ARRRGGHH!

Yes, I know there’s a wrapper available already that can wrap C++
exceptions in Ruby, but I want to do it myself as a learning exercise.

Anyway, could you look at the following test code that reveals the
problem? I just don’t know what to do! Are C++ exceptions in GCC
incompatible with Ruby exceptions? I think that’s the problem, isn’t it…

(I have put a link to an archive with these files, plus the library
binary, here: http://users.wmin.ac.uk/~w9921783/ruby-test.tar.gz)

=====file Makefile
Test.so: ruby-test.cc
g++ -shared -o $@ -Iruby -rrbconfig \ -e 'puts Config::CONFIG["archdir"]' $<

=====file t.rb
#!/usr/local/bin/ruby -w

require ‘Test’

include Mod

(1…20).each() do
rescue CPP_Error => e
puts(“C++ exception ‘#{e.cppclass}’ occured, message = “#{e.message}””);
rescue Exception => e
puts(“Exception #{e.class.name} occured: #{e.message}”);


=====file ruby-test.cc

#include “ruby.h”


struct Test
static bool init_;

static void
		init_ = true;
		throw std::runtime_error("DDStuff");

static bool
is_init() {return init_;}

static void
deinit() {init_ = false;}


bool Test::init_ = false;

VALUE cTest;

/// Module

/// C++ exception

/// Define a class (as rb_define_class) under mMod
inline VALUE defclass(const char *name, VALUE super)
return rb_define_class_under(mMod, name, super);

/// Convert boolean to Qtrue/Qfalse
inline VALUE convbool(bool arg) {if(arg)return Qtrue; else return Qfalse;}

/// Takes an exception ‘e’, gets its name and ‘what’ message, and uses
/// it to throw a Ruby exception
raise_ruby(std::exception& e)
std::string classname = typeid(e).name();

COMMENT: This gives the error message show in Init_Test

// VALUE excep = rb_funcall(eCPP_Error, rb_intern(“new”), 1,
// rb_str_new2(classname.c_str()));
// rb_raise(excep, e.what());

// COMMENT: WITH THE FOLLOWING instead of the above, when Test.init
// has been called a certain number of times, a segfault occurs

std::string eval_string = "raise CPP_Error.new('" + classname
	+ "'), '" + e.what() + "'";


/// @define CHECK_CPP Call given C++ code, and check it for
/// exceptions, throwing if necessary
#define CHECK_CPP(code) try {code;} catch(std::exception& e)

// Test
Test__init(VALUE self)
return self;

Test__is_init(VALUE self)
return convbool(Test::is_init());

Test__deinit(VALUE self)
return self;

// Call with 'cppclass’
CPP_Error__initialize(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE self)
VALUE argcppclass;
VALUE argmessage;

if(rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "12", &argcppclass, &argmessage) == 1)
	argmessage = rb_str_new2("");
rb_call_super(1, &argmessage);
rb_iv_set(self, "@cppclass", argcppclass);

return self;


// VALUE retval = INT2FIX(0);
// StringValue(retval);
// return retval;

VALUE tmp = rb_funcall(eCPP_Error, rb_intern("new"),
		       1, rb_str_new2("AnException"));
return tmp;

// rb_funcall(rb_mKernel, rb_intern(“p”), 1,
// rb_funcall(eCPP_Error, rb_intern(“inspect”), 0));
// return rb_funcall(eCPP_Error, rb_intern(“inspect”), 0);
// return eCPP_Error;

} // namespace

typedef VALUE(*rbfunk)(…);

extern “C” void Init_Test()
// module Mod
mMod = rb_define_module(“Mod”);

rb_define_global_function("testsr", test, 0);

COMMENT: Using raise-ruby.c block 1, regardless of which of the
following styles I try, I get the following:

…/t.rb:10:in init': undefined methodnew’ for
Mod::CPP_Error:Mod::CPP_Error (NoMethodError)
from ./t.rb:10
from ./t.rb:8:in `each’
from ./t.rb:8

However, see the ‘raise_ruby’ func above…

eCPP_Error = defclass("CPP_Error", rb_eRuntimeError);
rb_define_method(eCPP_Error, "initialize",
		 (rbfunk)CPP_Error__initialize, -1);
rb_eval_string("class Mod::CPP_Error; attr_reader(:cppclass);end");


// rb_eval_string(“module Mod\n”
// " class CPP_Error < RuntimeError\n"
// " def initialize(cppclass, message = ‘’)\n"
// " super(message)\n"
// " @cppclass = cppclass\n"
// " end\n"
// " attr_reader(:cppclass)\n"
// " end\n"
// “end\n”);
// eCPP_Error = rb_eval_string(“Mod::CPP_Error”);

cTest = defclass("Test", rb_cObject);
rb_define_singleton_method(cTest, "init",
			   (rbfunk)Test__init, 0);
rb_define_singleton_method(cTest, "is_init?",
			   (rbfunk)Test__is_init, 0);
rb_define_singleton_method(cTest, "deinit",
			   (rbfunk)Test__deinit, 0);






At Sun, 18 Jan 2004 16:20:01 +0900, Asfand Yar Qazi wrote:

Anyway, could you look at the following test code that reveals the
problem? I just don’t know what to do! Are C++ exceptions in GCC
incompatible with Ruby exceptions? I think that’s the problem, isn’t it…

Yes, of course, incompatible. They aren’t concerned with at
all. You have to protect or wrap each exceptions at every

Nobu Nakada



At Sun, 18 Jan 2004 16:20:01 +0900, Asfand Yar Qazi wrote:

if(rb_scan_args(argc, argv, “12”, &argcppclass, &argmessage) == 1)

This must be “11”, numbers of mandatory arguments and optional
arguments, second is not the total.

Nobu Nakada

As you can see from the code…

#define CHECK_CPP(code) try {code;}
catch(std::exception& e) {raise_ruby(e);}

i.e. catch a C++ exception, wrap its contents in a Ruby exception,
dispatch that Ruby exception. But that corrupts the program stack I
think, resulting in really funny and annoying errors (as documented in
the OP), and eventually resulting in a coredump. Its all due to the
setjmp/longjmp used by Ruby exceptions and GCC’s advanced
exception-handling mechanism, which are incompatible.

I wait for the day when a scripting language will be written in C++, and
be fully compatible will C++ features (perhaps even with templates.)
But still, I’ll just redo my C++ code in a Ruby-esque way, i.e. throwing
Ruby exceptions instead of C++ exceptions, so no problems.


nobu.nokada@softhome.net wrote:


At Sun, 18 Jan 2004 16:20:01 +0900, > Asfand Yar Qazi wrote:

Anyway, could you look at the following test code that reveals the
problem? I just don’t know what to do! Are C++ exceptions in GCC
incompatible with Ruby exceptions? I think that’s the problem, isn’t it…

Yes, of course, incompatible. They aren’t concerned with at
all. You have to protect or wrap each exceptions at every

Ah… one day, someone should do a rewrite on README.EXT :slight_smile:

That said, I used another method and it didn’t do anything differently,
so this can’t have been the problem.


nobu.nokada@softhome.net wrote:


At Sun, 18 Jan 2004 16:20:01 +0900, > Asfand Yar Qazi wrote:

if(rb_scan_args(argc, argv, “12”, &argcppclass, &argmessage) == 1)

This must be “11”, numbers of mandatory arguments and optional
arguments, second is not the total.