Ruby and ClearCase

OK so no one has used ruby to drive clearcase... might have to be a pet project to create a gem for this; gem's gem. heh

Now my problem is a very simple one and I don't seem to be typing the right things into google or looking up the right things in anvil to find it so I thought I could ask you guys for some ideas...

I want to parse the STDIN generated when I do a clearcase update and for every line that contains:
  Loading "path_to_a_file.txt" (0 bytes)
What I want to get from this line is the filename (stuff in the quotes) so I can send it to a method to be zipped. Initially before I try to zip the file it would be nice to do some debugging by printing the filenames into a text file. This is what I have so far:

def updateView
    system("cleartool update -rename #{getPathToView}") if viewCreated?
    print "\nUpdated #{getPathToView}\n"

  def parseOutput
    $stdin.each { |line|
    if line =~ [^Loading]
      file = line.match(/".*"/)
      puts "matched!"

  def zipUp(file)
    Zip::ZipFile::open("", true) { |zf|
    zf.add(file, file)

Ta in anticipation of the flood of help/abuse to ensue, ( ;



Gemma Cameron


-----Original Message-----
From: Cameron, Gemma (UK)
Sent: 22 August 2006 10:09
To: ruby-talk ML
Subject: Ruby and ClearCase...

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Hi Guys,

Has anyone used Ruby (or Rake) to interface with cleartool or Rational ClearCase? I googled the problem and found the following project at rubyforge which looks promising... or at least would be if there were any released files (or am I missing reference to a gem somewhere?)

What I'm wanting to do is to parse the output from cleartool after I've updated a snapshot in order to zip up the new files it's loaded (seeing as ClearCase insists on retaining the entire directory structure when you load folders - I'm used to svn...).

If not are there any suggestions as to how I could go about this or should I just use ruby as a means to sending commands to the shell (system "cleartool -mkview...") followed by somesort of STDIN/OUT? I'm on Windows NT4 and ClearCase 3.2 by the way...

Thanks in advance!



Gemma Cameron

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OK so no one has used ruby to drive clearcase... might have to be a
pet project to create a gem for this; gem's gem. heh

This isn't all that surprising -- ClearCase is hella expensive and the
last time that I dealt with it was eight years ago. No other company
I've worked for uses it.

Now my problem is a very simple one and I don't seem to be typing the
right things into google or looking up the right things in anvil to
find it so I thought I could ask you guys for some ideas...

  I want to parse the STDIN generated when I do a clearcase update and
  for every line that contains:
          Loading "path_to_a_file.txt" (0 bytes)
  What I want to get from this line is the filename (stuff in the
  quotes) so I can send it to a method to be zipped. Initially before
  I try to zip the file it would be nice to do some debugging by
  printing the filenames into a text file. This is what I have so far:

    def updateView
      system("cleartool update -rename #{getPathToView}") if viewCreated?
      print "\nUpdated #{getPathToView}\n"

    def parseOutput
      $stdin.each { |line|
      if line =~ [^Loading]
        file = line.match(/".*"/)
        puts "matched!"

    def zipUp(file)
      Zip::ZipFile::open("", true) { |zf|
      zf.add(file, file)

A couple of things. It is common Ruby parlance to use underscores in
method names instead of interCaps. So updateView would become
update_view. Second, in your updateView, where are you getting the
"getPathToView" value? Is it another method (like #viewCreated?)? Also,
you probably want to use a pipe -- I haven't done this on Windows -- so
look at popen if it'll work on Windows. Otherwise, do:

  def update_view(path_to_view, drive = nil)
    Dir.chdir("#{drive}#{path_to_view}") do |dir|
      if view_created?(path_to_view)
        output = `cleartool update -rename #{path_to_view}`
        parse_output output
        puts "\nUpdated #{path_to_view}"

  def parse_output(input)
    input.split($/).each do |line|
      if line =~ %r{^Loading} # or /^Loading/
        file = line.split(//)[1]
        puts "Matched #{file}"

  def zip_up(file)
    Zip::ZipFile::open("", true) { |zf|
      zf.add(file, file)

Not tested, obviously, since I don't have CC.



On 8/23/06, Cameron, Gemma (UK) <> wrote:
Austin Ziegler * *
               * * You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. // halo • statue