Ruby 1.8.7 + Tk8.5 with Windows-RubyInstaller


below you will find what I wrote down about how I got the "new"
Windows-RubyInstaller with Ruby 1.8.7 + TK8.5 working.

Please feel free to post any comments, corrections, suggestions, ....

A German version follows at the bottom.

Hope it helps somebody,



= How I installed and compiled the new Windows-RubyInstaller with
  Ruby 1.8.7 and TK8.5

== Requirements

* Important: Use only paths without spaces/blanks
* Internet connection (fast one preferred)
* 7-zip installed [7zi]
* Working Ruby installation, for example in path "c:\Ruby";
  requirements: Ruby 1.8.5 at least (mswin32 or mingw32
  will work) -- Not cygwin! [rdk]
* Rake 0.7.3 or greater [rdk]; I used 0.8.7.
* Zlib extension and DLL (zlib1.dll) available in the PATH (could be
  in system32 or your Ruby bin directory) [rdk]
* I used Windows-XP (home)
* I had to switch of my anti-virus protection, while rake run

== Install TK8.5

* Install TK8.5 from
  (Registration was not necessary.)
  Install to, e.g, "c:/TCL"

== Install RubyInstaller-Sourcen + DevelopperKit + TK8.5

=== Download

  > Downloads
  > download Development Kit, e.g.:
    z.B. devkit-3.4.5r3-20091110.7z

  > on the top, click "download" save it anywhere, then
  extract the package to, e.g. c:\RubyInstaller, in a way, that
  directory structure of c:\RubyInstaller looks approximately like
                    >-- config
                    >-- rake
                    >-- recipes
                    >-- resources
                    `-- <several files>

* Edit "C:\RubyInstaller\config\ruby_installer.rb"
  in order to get Ruby 1.8.7:

  Line: ~56
    :version => "1.8.6-p383",
    :version => "1.8.7-p174",

  Line: ~69

* Extract:
  to c:\delete_later

* Copy from c:\delete_later:
  "DevKit" and "bin"
  to the directory of the existing ("old") Ruby-installation, e.g.
  C:\Ruby . You will be asked "...really?...". Agree to all. When
  finished, the structure of the "old" Ruby-Directory should look

        >-- bin
        >-- devkit
        >-- include
        >-- lib
        >-- share
        `-- ...

* In file .../devkit/msys/1.0.11/etc/fstab replace "c:\Ruby" by the
  path of the "old" working Ruby-installation
  (In this example, it's c:\Ruby, too.)


=== Compile Ruby 1.8.7

([Ros], [Pac])

* I had to switch of anti-virus protection, otherwise I got strange
  errors from rake.

* Open a new shell and use always _this_ one, because of the
  environment variables, which are going to be set. (If you start a
  new shell, you must set the environment variables again.)

* Set environment variables as follows (they must fit exactly!)
  (The new Ruby will be in C:\RubyInstaller\sandbox\ruby18_mingw\bin
  TCL is in c:\tcl)

    set INCLUDE=c:\tcl\include;%INCLUDE%
    set LIB=C:\RubyInstaller\sandbox\ruby18_mingw\lib;c:\tcl\lib;%LIB
    set LIBPATH=C:\RubyInstaller\sandbox\ruby18_mingw\lib;c:\tcl\bin;c:
    set PATH=C:\RubyInstaller\sandbox\ruby18_mingw\bin;c:\tcl\bin;%PATH
    set RUBYPATH=C:\RubyInstaller\sandbox\ruby18_mingw

  If you use a proxy for internet connection:
    set HTTP_PROXY = http://<proxy>:<port>
    z.B.: set HTTP_PROXY =

  Change the working directory:
  cd c:\RubyInstaller

  rake # wait about 30 minutes :slight_smile:

If rake aborts because of an error:

The following helped on my site:

* Disable Virus protection
* Restart computer, open shell only, no other apps
* reinstall rake
* One file, downloaded by rake, was corrupt; I had to delete it
  manually and restart rake

If everything finished without errors, the new Ruby, including
extensions, should work (but not TK!). The new ruby.exe is in:


To check it:
<path_to_the_new_ruby.exe> -v

=== Compile TK

Set environment variables

set PATH=c:\rubyinstaller\sandbox\mingw\bin;c:\rubyinstaller\sandbox

From [rif]:
In the shell, change working directory:
cd C:\RubyInstaller\sandbox\ruby_1_8\ext\tk

ruby extconf.rb --with-tcl-dir=C:/Tcl --with-tk-dir=C:/Tcl
make install
cd tkutil
ruby extconf.rb
make install

Now, on my site Ruby 1.8.7 + TK8.5 was working.

For checking, you can write and run the following script:

  require 'tk'

this shall return "...8.5. ...".

If not: Did you run the script with the _new_ Ruby?

== Rake

The rake tasks available:
rake check # Run tests for the interpreter in the sandbox.
rake clean # Remove any temporary products.
rake clobber # Remove any generated file.
rake compile # Compile the interpreter.
rake configure # Run the configure process for the interpreter.
rake download # Download all components.
rake extract # Extract all downloaded components.
rake install # Install the interpreter in the sandbox.
rake prepare # Prepare the freshly extracted components.

clean will remove the sandbox and clobber will remove all the
downloaded files.

The step sequence is:

download, extract, prepare, configure, compile, install, check

you will find the installed ruby in sandbox/ruby_mingw

You need to install before check, so the check process use the
interpreter instead of the one you're using to build it.

== Miscellaneous

* Working/not working gems:

* Forum RubyInstaller:

* Replacement for Windows-Shell:

* Kero's Tk tutorial:

== References:

* [Ros] Mark Roseman: "TkDocs",
* [ryi] Luis Lavena et al.: "rubyinstaller":
* [7zi]
* [Pac] Roger Pack, 2009-05-27, in "Programming gone awry"
* [rdk] Readme des DevelopmentKits
* [rif] RubyInstaller Forum:,
        2009-12-03: "TCL/TK 8.5 & Ruby 1.8.x with RubyInstaller?


German version:

= Installation/Kompilieren von neuem Windows-RubyInstaller mit Ruby
1.8.7(!) + TK8.5

== Voraussetzungen

* Wichtig: Nur Pfade ohne Leerzeichen verwenden!
* (schnelle) Internetverbindung
* 7-zip installiert [7zi]
* Lauffähige Ruby-Installation, z.B. in c:\Ruby; Anforderungen: Ruby
  1.8.5 at least (mswin32 or mingw32 implementation will work) -- Not
  cygwin! [rdk]
* Rake 0.7.3 or greater [rdk]; I used 0.8.7.
* Zlib extension and DLL (zlib1.dll) available in the PATH (could be
  in system32 or your Ruby bin directory) [rdk]
* Ich verwende Windows-XP
* Während rake lief, mußte ich den Virenscanner ausschalten.

== TK8.5 installieren

* TK8.5 von installieren
  (Registrierung _nicht_ nötig)
  Installation nach z.B. c:/TCL

== RubyInstaller-Sourcen + DevelopperKit installieren

=== Download

  > Downloads
  > Development Kit downloaden:
    z.B. devkit-3.4.5r3-20091110.7z

  > Oben Button "download" anklicken + irgendwo
  speichern und dann nach z.B. c:\RubyInstaller entpacken, und zwar
  so, daß der Inhalt von c:\RubyInstaller etwa so aussieht:
                    >-- config
                    >-- rake
                    >-- recipes
                    >-- resources
                    `-- <diverse Dateien>

* Editieren "C:\RubyInstaller\config\ruby_installer.rb"
  (um Ruby 1.8.7 zu bekommen):

  Zeile: ~56
    :version => "1.8.6-p383",
    :version => "1.8.7-p174",

  Zeile: ~69

* Entpacken:
  nach c:\spaeter_loeschen

* Aus c:\spaeter_loeschen kopieren:
  "DevKit" und "bin"
  in das Verzeichnis der existierende Ruby-Installation, z.B. C:\Ruby
  kopieren. Beim Kopieren von "bin" wird gefragt
  "...wirklich?"; das mit "Ja, alle" bestätigen.
  Anschließend sollte das Rubyverzeichnis so aussehen:

        >-- bin
        >-- devkit
        >-- include
        >-- lib
        >-- share
        `-- ...

* In der Datei .../devkit/msys/1.0.11/etc/fstab "c:\Ruby" durch
  den Pfad zur alten, lauffähigen Ruby-Installation ersetzen.
  (Ist hier auch c:\Ruby.)


=== Ruby 1.8.7 kompilieren

([Ros], [Pac])

* Ich mußte den Virenscanner abschalten, sonst brachte rake

* Shell öffnen und immer in dieser arbeiten, wegen den zu setzenden
  Systemvariablen! (Wenn Shell neu gestartet wird, müssen die
  Systemvariablen erneut gesetzt werden.)

* Systemvariablen setzen (müssen genau stimmen!):
  (Das neue Ruby wird in C:\RubyInstaller\sandbox\ruby18_mingw\bin\
  sein, TCL sei in c:\tcl)

    set INCLUDE=c:\tcl\include;%INCLUDE%
    set LIB=C:\RubyInstaller\sandbox\ruby18_mingw\lib;c:\tcl\lib;%LIB%
    set LIBPATH=C:\RubyInstaller\sandbox\ruby18_mingw\lib;c:\tcl\bin;c:
    set PATH=C:\RubyInstaller\sandbox\ruby18_mingw\bin;c:\tcl\bin;%PATH
    set RUBYPATH=C:\RubyInstaller\sandbox\ruby18_mingw

  Falls Internet über Proxy:
    set HTTP_PROXY = http://<proxy>:<port>
    z.B.: set HTTP_PROXY =

  Arbeitsverzeichnis waehlen:
  cd c:\RubyInstaller

  rake # wait about 30 minutes :slight_smile:

Wenn rake mit Fehler abbricht:

Folgende Maßnahmen haben jeweils einzeln bei mir mal geholfen:

* Virenscanner ausschalten
* Rechner neu gestartet, nur Shell geöffnet
* rake neu installiert
* Ein von rake downgeloadetes File gelöscht; war wohl fehlerhaft

Wenn alles ohne Fehler durchgelaufen ist, ist jetzt Ruby +
Erweiterungen vom RubyInstaller fertig = lauffähig (nicht jedoch
Die neue ruby.exe befindet sich in:

<Pfad_zur_neuen_ruby.exe> -v

=== TK kompilieren

Systemvariable setzen

set PATH=c:\rubyinstaller\sandbox\mingw\bin;c:\rubyinstaller\sandbox

Aus [rif]:
In der Shell, Arbeitsverzeichnis wechseln:
cd C:\RubyInstaller\sandbox\ruby_1_8\ext\tk

ruby extconf.rb --with-tcl-dir=C:/Tcl --with-tk-dir=C:/Tcl
make install
cd tkutil
ruby extconf.rb
make install

Nun lief bei mir Ruby 1.8.7 + TK8.5.


Skript schreiben und starten:
require 'tk'

muß "...8.5. ..." liefern.

Wenn nicht: Ist das Skript mit dem _neuen_ Ruby gelaufen?

== Rake

The rake tasks available:
rake check # Run tests for the interpreter in the sandbox.
rake clean # Remove any temporary products.
rake clobber # Remove any generated file.
rake compile # Compile the interpreter.
rake configure # Run the configure process for the interpreter.
rake download # Download all components.
rake extract # Extract all downloaded components.
rake install # Install the interpreter in the sandbox.
rake prepare # Prepare the freshly extracted components.

clean will remove the sandbox and clobber will remove all the
downloaded files.

The step sequence is:

download, extract, prepare, configure, compile, install, check

you will find the installed ruby in sandbox/ruby_mingw

You need to install before check, so the check process use the
interpreter instead of the one you're using to build it.

== Sonstiges

* Gems, die laufen / nicht laufen:

* Forum RubyInstaller:

* Ersatz für Windows-Shell:

* Kero's Tk tutorial:

== Referenzen:

* [Ros] Mark Roseman: "TkDocs",
* [ryi] Luis Lavena et al.: "rubyinstaller":
* [7zi]
* [Pac] Roger Pack, 2009-05-27, in "Programming gone awry"
* [rdk] Readme des DevelopmentKits
* [rif] RubyInstaller Forum:
        2009-12-03: "TCL/TK 8.5 & Ruby 1.8.x with RubyInstaller?

Axel wrote:


below you will find what I wrote down about how I got the "new"
Windows-RubyInstaller with Ruby 1.8.7 + TK8.5 working.

Please feel free to post any comments, corrections, suggestions, ....

Suggestion: add recipes for 8.5 to the rubyinstaller builds so they can
have it by default :slight_smile:


Posted via\.

Right now there is no recipe for 1.8.7, TK 8.5 is only compatible with
1.8.7 (changes for it never backported to 1.8.6)

A recipe will be handy, but I doubt it will work.


On Dec 18, 6:48 pm, Roger Pack <> wrote:

Axel wrote:
> Hi,

> below you will find what I wrote down about how I got the "new"
> Windows-RubyInstaller with Ruby 1.8.7 + TK8.5 working.

> Please feel free to post any comments, corrections, suggestions, ....

Suggestion: add recipes for 8.5 to the rubyinstaller builds so they can
have it by default :slight_smile:

Luis Lavena

Message-ID: <>

Right now there is no recipe for 1.8.7, TK 8.5 is only compatible with
1.8.7 (changes for it never backported to 1.8.6)

Tcl/Tk8.5.x and 8.6b1 will work with Ruby 1.8.6, when Ruby's tcltklib
is compiled with the version of Tcl/Tk libraries.
Of course, there are no methods for the new features of new Tcl/Tk.
But Tk.tk_call() method can call such new features.

You can try to use latest Ruby/Tk on your released version of Ruby.
Please replace all files under "ext/tk" directory on your Ruby source
to the files of the latest version on Ruby's SVN, and compile it.
I think it may work with 1.8.6 and later.

If you can read Japanese text, please see


From: Luis Lavena <>
Subject: Re: Ruby 1.8.7 + Tk8.5 with Windows-RubyInstaller
Date: Sat, 19 Dec 2009 08:35:06 +0900
Hidetoshi NAGAI (

Please replace all files under "ext/tk" directory on your Ruby source
to the files of the latest version on Ruby's SVN, and compile it.

Can you tell me the first steps on how to get tk from SVN? What is the
URL of Ruby's SVN? I never used it...

If you can read Japanese text, please see

Sadly, no chance at all to read it - the headings look so


> Please replace all files under "ext/tk" directory on your Ruby source
> to the files of the latest version on Ruby's SVN, and compile it.

Can you tell me the first steps on how to get tk from SVN? What is the
URL of Ruby's SVN? I never used it...

but instead of checkout trunk, look for branches/ruby_1_8_6 or

> If you can read Japanese text, please see

Sadly, no chance at all to read it - the headings look so

Not perfect, but google can help:


On Dec 19, 4:41 am, Axel <> wrote:

Luis Lavena

Ruby Core

but instead of checkout trunk, look for branches/ruby_1_8_6 or

Thank you two times!

Message-ID: <>

but instead of checkout trunk, look for branches/ruby_1_8_6 or

To get the latest Ruby/Tk, look for trunk (for 1.9) or
branches/ruby_1_8 (for 1.8).


From: Luis Lavena <>
Subject: Re: Ruby 1.8.7 + Tk8.5 with Windows-RubyInstaller
Date: Sat, 19 Dec 2009 23:35:17 +0900
Hidetoshi NAGAI (