[ANN] Ruby Installer for Windows 1.8.1-13 final

The Ruby Installer 1.8.1-13 (final) for Windows has been released and
is now available for download from:


This release fixes most of the problems with RI. One remaining RI
problem is that it still fails with all uppercase items (like
"RI CGI" and “RI IO”).

Win32ole is working much better than in the previous release, but
it still has problems.

All other reported problems have been fixed (I hope :-). You can
check for reported problems (or report new problems) at:


What is the Ruby Installer for Windows?


The Ruby Installer for Windows is a “one-click”, self-contained Windows
installer that contains the Ruby language itself, dozens of popular
extensions and packages, a syntax-highlighting editor and execution
environment, and a Windows help file that contains the full text of the
book, “Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer’s Guide”.

Change Log for 1.8.1-13



Curt Hibbs wrote:

The Ruby Installer 1.8.1-13 (final) for Windows has been released and
is now available for download from:


Thanks a lot! That’s really good work.

Happy rubying


Curt Hibbs wrote:

The Ruby Installer 1.8.1-13 (final) for Windows has been released and
is now available for download from:

Thank you! Much appreciated.


Curt Hibbs wrote:

The Ruby Installer 1.8.1-13 (final) for Windows has been released and
is now available for download from:


This is good news. Thank you very much.

Change Log for 1.8.1-13

  • Log4R was broken in the Ruby 1.8.1 distribution. This was fixed
    by applying this patch:

Anyone know of plans to get this fixed in the general distro and an
updated release made available?

James Britt

I’m pleased to announce the kickoff of RubyForge project called "Why Ruby?"
whose goal is to help spread the use of ruby by providing a central
repository of presentations, papers and advice on promoting Ruby.

Please visit (and contribute to) our site:


Below I have pasted some of the text from the project’s home page.




= Why Ruby? =

After all, there’s Python and Perl (even Java, C#, and C++), so why Ruby?

The Why Ruby project is here to help you answer that question.
your audience is corporate management, your team lead, or your fellow
developers, this site can provide you with the material and answers you need
to make a winning presentation.

== Goals ==

The goal of this project is to address the practical aspects of getting
Ruby more widely adopted
in the workplace by being an ongoing resource to those people who want
to promote Ruby.

This site will contain:

  • Advice on promoting Ruby
  • A repository of contributed presentations and papers that can be reused
    (in whole or in part) in your presentation.
  • Example presentations for different audiences created specifically for
    release on this site.
  • Links external resources that may be valuable to the promoter of Ruby.

Three things don’t seem right…

  1. The doc/dl/dl.txt is missing. It was in an earlier 1.8.1 installer.

  2. The Yaml lib seems to be out of date, compared with recent 1.8.1
    tarballs. In the latter, symbols are serialized in the new way:

$ ruby-1.8.1 -v -r yaml -e 'y :foo’
ruby 1.8.1 (2003-12-25) [i686-linux]
— :foo

But with 1.8.1-13, they still get dumped as:

D:>ruby -r yaml -e ‘y(:foo)’
— !ruby/sym foo

  1. Yaml crashes with this hash:

D:>ruby -v -r yaml -e 'y({:foo=>:bar})'
File creation error

Or did I do something wrong?

I have uploaded a release candidate for Ruby Installer that was built using
the stable snapshot of the Ruby CVS dated 2004-06-30 (yes, that *is* today).
While this snapshot is not an official release of Ruby, it has been reported
that many Ruby bugs have been fixed. I have also updated a few extension
packages to their latest release.

NOTE: I currently have very little free time, so I intend to move this
quickly to a final release (possibly within a week) unless someone reports a
very serious problem with this release candidate.

You can download this release candidate from:


You can check for reported problems (or report new problems) at:


What is the Ruby Installer for Windows?



The Ruby Installer for Windows is a "one-click", self-contained Windows
installer that contains the Ruby language itself, dozens of popular
extensions and packages, a syntax-highlighting editor and execution
environment, and a Windows help file that contains the full text of the
book, "Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide".

Change Log for 1.8.2-14
- This is a build of the 1.8.2 stable snapshot
  of Ruby dated 2004-06-29. Many Ruby bugs have
  been reported fixed since the official 1.8.1
- Fixed a typo in a windows registry entry
  (bug 643).
- Upgraded Expat to version 1.95.7
- Upgraded Ruby-odbc to version 0.993
- Upgraded FXRuby to version 1.0.29

I’m pleased to announce the kickoff of RubyForge project called “Why
whose goal is to help spread the use of ruby by providing a central
repository of presentations, papers and advice on promoting Ruby.

Please visit (and contribute to) our site:

Are you looking for technical articles (introductions to the language),
or less technical advocacy pieces?



Jim Menard, jimm@io.com, http://www.io.com/~jimm/
“The theory of computation states that all automatons can be emulated
by a Turing machine. I have a less abstract but more practical motto: If
you can do it on Intel, you can do it damn near anywhere!”
– Eugene O’Neil

Curt Hibbs wrote:


Some of the markup on that page is being rendered literally. This is
what I see:

If this is your first visit here, please click on Preferences above
to register so that your name can be associated with your changes and

It might look better if this wiki was written in Ruby. :slight_smile: Instiki is quite good.

I noticed that you've updated FXRuby to the latest release (version
1.0.29), which I do appreciate. But did you recompile the code against
the Ruby 1.8.2 include files, or just use the Windows installer for
FXRuby 1.0.29 (which was built against Ruby 1.8.1)?

I don't know if it makes a difference or not, since I haven't been
following the 1.8.2 developments. But if there were any significant
changes in the Ruby 1.8.2 header files, it could potentially break
FXRuby, and other extensions, for that matter.


On Thu, 1 Jul 2004 04:45:43 +0900, Curt Hibbs <curt@hibbs.com> wrote:

I have uploaded a release candidate for Ruby Installer that was built using
the stable snapshot of the Ruby CVS dated 2004-06-30 (yes, that *is* today).
While this snapshot is not an official release of Ruby, it has been reported
that many Ruby bugs have been fixed. I have also updated a few extension
packages to their latest release.

The original release candidate that I posted earlier today did not include
FXRuby. I just posted release candidate 2 which corrects this.



-----Original Message-----
From: Curt Hibbs [mailto:curt@hibbs.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 2:46 PM
To: ruby-talk ML; rubyinstaller-announce@rubyforge.org
Subject: [ANN] Ruby Installer for Windows 1.8.2-14 Release Candidate

I have uploaded a release candidate for Ruby Installer that was
built using
the stable snapshot of the Ruby CVS dated 2004-06-30 (yes, that
*is* today).
While this snapshot is not an official release of Ruby, it has
been reported
that many Ruby bugs have been fixed. I have also updated a few extension
packages to their latest release.

NOTE: I currently have very little free time, so I intend to move this
quickly to a final release (possibly within a week) unless
someone reports a
very serious problem with this release candidate.

You can download this release candidate from:


You can check for reported problems (or report new problems) at:


What is the Ruby Installer for Windows?

The Ruby Installer for Windows is a "one-click", self-contained Windows
installer that contains the Ruby language itself, dozens of popular
extensions and packages, a syntax-highlighting editor and execution
environment, and a Windows help file that contains the full text of the
book, "Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide".

Change Log for 1.8.2-14
- This is a build of the 1.8.2 stable snapshot
  of Ruby dated 2004-06-29. Many Ruby bugs have
  been reported fixed since the official 1.8.1
- Fixed a typo in a windows registry entry
  (bug 643).
- Upgraded Expat to version 1.95.7
- Upgraded Ruby-odbc to version 0.993
- Upgraded FXRuby to version 1.0.29

Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.699 / Virus Database: 456 - Release Date: 6/4/2004

The glviewer.rbw FXRuby sample complains that there is no OpenGL extension

Marcin Mielz.yn'ski

"Curt Hibbs" <curt@hibbs.com> wrote in message news:<EAENKKNOJPMNCDMLDOMLOEPPENAA.curt@hibbs.com>...

I have uploaded a release candidate for Ruby Installer that was built using
the stable snapshot of the Ruby CVS dated 2004-06-30...


Excellent! I'd like to note that win32ole seems to play nicer with
1.8.2 RC2, even though I was using the latest win32ole (0.5.5) with
1.8.1. Segfaults I was seeing with 1.8.1 have (seemingly)
disappeared, though I'll keep testing.

Change Log for 1.8.2-14
- This is a build of the 1.8.2 stable snapshot
  of Ruby dated 2004-06-29. Many Ruby bugs have
  been reported fixed since the official 1.8.1
- Fixed a typo in a windows registry entry
  (bug 643).
- Upgraded Expat to version 1.95.7
- Upgraded Ruby-odbc to version 0.993
- Upgraded FXRuby to version 1.0.29

Looks like you updated DBI to 0.23 as well (last I checked it was at

Many thanks,


Hello Curt,

I have uploaded a release candidate for Ruby Installer that was built using
the stable snapshot of the Ruby CVS dated 2004-06-30 (yes, that *is* today).
While this snapshot is not an official release of Ruby, it has been reported
that many Ruby bugs have been fixed. I have also updated a few extension
packages to their latest release.

Couldn't you wait 2 more weeks! There is a deadline from matz on
7-july-2004 for the next official 1.8.2 release and about 1 week later
the offical 1.8.2 release or one more release candidate is expected.


Best regards, emailto: scholz at scriptolutions dot com
Lothar Scholz http://www.ruby-ide.com
CTO Scriptolutions Ruby, PHP, Python IDE 's

Hello Curt,

I have uploaded a release candidate for Ruby Installer that was built using
the stable snapshot of the Ruby CVS dated 2004-06-30 (yes, that *is* today).

Is it possible to use a schema like python for adding information to
the registry about installed ruby versions. Every tool writer (like
me) needs this to detect the core library etc and also installer
programs for libraries should use it to install there stuff in the
right ruby directory.

Python installs under:


at least two things:

"InstallPath", and "Help\Main Python Documentation"

The later one would be the pragmatic programmer *.chm file.
It would be a great help if we could do the same.
What's your oppinion about this ?


Best regards, emailto: scholz at scriptolutions dot com
Lothar Scholz http://www.ruby-ide.com
CTO Scriptolutions Ruby, PHP, Python IDE 's


At Thu, 1 Jul 2004 04:45:43 +0900,
Curt Hibbs wrote in [ruby-talk:104934]:

You can check for reported problems (or report new problems) at:


Though I don't know why you separate directories devel and
stable, ruby.nsi in the former sets a registory
"\\HKLM\software\www.ruby-lang.orgy\InstallVersion", instead of


Nobu Nakada

Jim Menard wrote:

I’m pleased to announce the kickoff of RubyForge project called “Why
whose goal is to help spread the use of ruby by providing a central
repository of presentations, papers and advice on promoting Ruby.

Please visit (and contribute to) our site:

Are you looking for technical articles (introductions to the language),
or less technical advocacy pieces?

Just a reminder: ruby-doc.org [0], the home site for the Ruby
Documentation Project (now in its second smash year!) continues its
long-standing offer to host any and all Ruby documentation, be it
promotional, technical, API, how-to, or whatever.

So, if something may not be a good fit for Why Ruby?, it always has a
home on ruby-doc.org.

And, of course, if you know of any Ruby documentation that is not listed
on ruby-doc, please let me know so we can link to it [1].

James Britt
jbritt AT ruby-doc DOT org

[0] http://www.ruby-doc.org/
[1] Ruby-Doc.org: Documenting the Ruby Language

Joel VanderWerf wrote:

Curt Hibbs wrote:


Some of the markup on that page is being rendered literally. This is
what I see:

If this is your first visit here, please click on Preferences above
to register so that your name can be associated with your changes and

Thanks for pointing this out – I did this at 3am when I was probably too

It might look better if this wiki was written in Ruby. :slight_smile: Instiki is quite good.

I love Instiki, and use it on all of my personal machines.

Unfortunately, its really not appropriate to use on RubyForge. Because it
uses Object Prevalence (via Madeleine), this means that the entire wiki is
resident in memory at runtime. This may be alright for a single server, but
for a community resource like RubyForge that hosts many hundreds of projects
(and potentially as many wikis), using Instiki would be too much of a drain
on its system resources.


Joel VanderWerf wrote:

It might look better if this wiki was written in Ruby. :slight_smile: Instiki is quite good.

That’s a really nice find! I had been looking for a slim wiki that works
with Apache and MySQL, since I just need it as a local workspace (todo
lists, notes, articles, text dump, etcetera). Instiki meets all of my
requirements. Thanks for the tip! :slight_smile:


Lyle Johnson wrote:

> I have uploaded a release candidate for Ruby Installer that was
built using
> the stable snapshot of the Ruby CVS dated 2004-06-30 (yes, that
*is* today).
> While this snapshot is not an official release of Ruby, it has
been reported
> that many Ruby bugs have been fixed. I have also updated a few extension
> packages to their latest release.

I noticed that you've updated FXRuby to the latest release (version
1.0.29), which I do appreciate. But did you recompile the code against
the Ruby 1.8.2 include files, or just use the Windows installer for
FXRuby 1.0.29 (which was built against Ruby 1.8.1)?

I don't know if it makes a difference or not, since I haven't been
following the 1.8.2 developments. But if there were any significant
changes in the Ruby 1.8.2 header files, it could potentially break
FXRuby, and other extensions, for that matter.

Yes, I did recompile it. If you have a simple way to test that everything
still works I would appreciate it.



On Thu, 1 Jul 2004 04:45:43 +0900, Curt Hibbs <curt@hibbs.com> wrote: