Marcus Bristav wrote:
Back in the world of j...
Right, can ANYONE explain this braindead fad to me?
Hint: No matter what some of the more loudmouthed bloggers would like to
insinuate in the massive ongoing circlejerk of FUD (from both the Ruby
and the Java side of things):
A) There is no conspiracy of panicking Java (yes, that IS the word)
developers desperately trying to eradicate Ruby in fear for their jobs
B) Having more advanced development tools doesn't increase your penis
size nor girth
C) Being able to code without advanced development tools doesn't
increase your penis size nor girth
D) Blog commenters that swoon over keypress count comparisons aren't
visionaries that have Seen The Truth, they're hapless muppets without
much attention span and too much time on their hands, people that get
actual work can tell what's completely irrelevant to actual practice and
so much waste of webspace and bandwidth
E) Ruby won't kill Java, Java won't kill Ruby, C# won't kill Java, Ruby
won't kill Python, Ajax won't kill the desktop, ActiveRecord won't kill
Hibernate, Rails won't kill Rife, Rife won't kill Rails...
F) No matter how long, or with which fervency you'll compare apples to
oranges, they won't taste equally good to all people
Now, is there any chance the general audience of this mailing list will
ever be able to mention other programming languages for the sake of
comparison without in some way indicating revilement of such or
reluctance to do so?
David Vallner
PS: I wonder how many people will see this considering points B and C
are likely to send spam filters into a hissy fit.