Hello everyone,
I am using the following code on an XML file, which has a size of 121KB
at the moment:
require "rexml/document"
include REXML
return 13 unless (File.exists? (@controlFileName))
controlfile = File.new(@controlFileName)
puts “2"
doc = Document.new(controlfile) # controlfile : the XML file
puts “3"
XPath.each(doc,”//TITLE[…/NAME/text()=”#{@pageName}"]") { |tag|
puts “4”
# do something with @element
the result (Athlon XP1600+):
<~2.5 sec delay>
<~0.5 sec delay>
I think, this is too slow. Am I expecting too much of REXML, or is
there a problem with my code?
I could live with the 0.5 sec for finding the correct element, but 2.5
sec for parsing a 120KB file is too much.
It seems ridiculous to use REXML in a CGI Script for example.