Rexml - get raw xml of elements and text

I'm aware that REXML's Element class can give me the elements or the text
(texts if there are many text elements between children elements). I want
them both, and I want them in order, straight XML. (I've got some bold and
italic tags there that are just for formatting)

Ammon Christiansen wrote:

I'm aware that REXML's Element class can give me the elements or the text
(texts if there are many text elements between children elements). I want
them both, and I want them in order, straight XML. (I've got some bold and
italic tags there that are just for formatting)

to_s ?



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irb(main):001:0> require 'rexml/document'
=> true

irb(main):002:0> d = '<xml>Hello <i>there</i> world</xml>' )
=> <UNDEFINED> ... </>

irb(main):003:0> d.root.each_child{ |n| p n }
"Hello "
<i> ... </>
" world"
=> ["Hello ", <i> ... </>, " world"]


On Dec 20, 2005, at 4:51 PM, Ammon Christiansen wrote:

I'm aware that REXML's Element class can give me the elements or the text
(texts if there are many text elements between children elements). I want
them both, and I want them in order, straight XML. (I've got some bold and
italic tags there that are just for formatting)