I'm aware that REXML's Element class can give me the elements or the text
(texts if there are many text elements between children elements). I want
them both, and I want them in order, straight XML. (I've got some bold and
italic tags there that are just for formatting)
Ammon Christiansen wrote:
I'm aware that REXML's Element class can give me the elements or the text
(texts if there are many text elements between children elements). I want
them both, and I want them in order, straight XML. (I've got some bold and
italic tags there that are just for formatting)
to_s ?
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irb(main):001:0> require 'rexml/document'
=> true
irb(main):002:0> d = REXML::Document.new( '<xml>Hello <i>there</i> world</xml>' )
=> <UNDEFINED> ... </>
irb(main):003:0> d.root.each_child{ |n| p n }
"Hello "
<i> ... </>
" world"
=> ["Hello ", <i> ... </>, " world"]
On Dec 20, 2005, at 4:51 PM, Ammon Christiansen wrote:
I'm aware that REXML's Element class can give me the elements or the text
(texts if there are many text elements between children elements). I want
them both, and I want them in order, straight XML. (I've got some bold and
italic tags there that are just for formatting)