Formatting REXML

Hey all,

I posted a question on StackOverflow the other day that I thought would be reasonably easy to answer, but actually, I got nothin', zilch, nada. Rather than repeat the question here, here's the link:

I don't mind if there's a way of formatting the XML with something other than REXML - whatever achieves the result is good with me. Any help would be really welcome as I've spend *ages* now trying to do this one stupid thing.

Many thanks,



2009/9/15 Charles Roper <>:

Hey all,

I posted a question on StackOverflow the other day that I thought would be
reasonably easy to answer, but actually, I got nothin', zilch, nada. Rather
than repeat the question here, here's the link:

I don't mind if there's a way of formatting the XML with something other
than REXML - whatever achieves the result is good with me. Any help would be
really welcome as I've spend *ages* now trying to do this one stupid thing.

remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end


require 'rubygems'
require 'nokogiri'

doc = Nokogiri::XML( { |cfg| cfg.noblanks } do |xml|
   xml.doc = doc
   xml.parent ='dict')


puts doc.to_xml


Doesn't use REXML, but does output the formatting you want. Hope that helps!


On Sep 15, 2009, at 12:48 AM, Charles Roper wrote:

Hey all,

I posted a question on StackOverflow the other day that I thought would be reasonably easy to answer, but actually, I got nothin', zilch, nada. Rather than repeat the question here, here's the link:

I don't mind if there's a way of formatting the XML with something other than REXML - whatever achieves the result is good with me. Any help would be really welcome as I've spend *ages* now trying to do this one stupid thing.

Aaron Patterson

Hi Robert, thanks for the link. I have already spent quite some time looking over these formatters and I just can't seem to get the formatting I want. It's probably me being stupid, but I can't see how to get the result I want.

I want the last 3 lines to look like this:


But I can only get this:


or this:


Many thanks.



On 15/09/2009 08:55, Robert Klemme wrote:

Module: REXML::Formatters


Aaron Patterson wrote:

[Nokogiri] doesn't use REXML, but does output the formatting you want. Hope that

Nokogiri looks super-nice. Much simpler than REXML from an initial
glance. I'm going to have a play with it shortly. Already loving the
CSS3 selectors which, for me, coming from a design background, are so
much easier to grok than XPath. Although having said that, I was kind of
getting into XPath since I started playing around with REXML. Cool how
you can mix-and-match in Nokigiri.

Thanks for the head-up!



Posted via\.

Bte, your XML is invalid. The opening tag is missing.

And, apparently you did not read the docs properly:

irb(main):143:0> d =
=> <UNDEFINED> ... </>
=> #<REXML::Formatters::Pretty:0x1037b030 @indentation=2, @level=0,
@ie_hack=false, @width=80, @compact=false>
irb(main):145:0> f.compact=true
=> true
irb(main):146:0> puts f.write(d.root,"")
=> nil




2009/9/15 Charles Roper <>:

On 15/09/2009 08:55, Robert Klemme wrote:

Module: REXML::Formatters


Hi Robert, thanks for the link. I have already spent quite some time looking
over these formatters and I just can't seem to get the formatting I want.
It's probably me being stupid, but I can't see how to get the result I want.

I want the last 3 lines to look like this:


But I can only get this:


or this:


remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end

Robert Klemme wrote:

Bte, your XML is invalid. The opening tag is missing.

Yeah, sorry, I didn't give terribly clear background infomation. That
XML I posted was just a snippet from a full XML document. Example:

I didn't paste the whole thing because I didn't want to clutter the post
too much. Sorry for not explaining that more clearly. :slight_smile:

irb(main):146:0> puts f.write(d.root,"")

Awesome, this gave me the clue I needed. I was doing this:

  puts out.write(tmtheme,"")

Whereas I needed to do this:

  puts out.write(tmtheme.root,"")

Bingo! Thanks for your help Robert, it is very much appreciated.



2009/9/15 Charles Roper <>:

Posted via\.