Resurrecting German mailing list?


While collecting information about the ruby mailing lists for
adding subscription information in German edition of the clr FAQ -
I’ll send a translation to Hal - I started wondering what did happen
to the German language faq.

So I visited to see what has happened.
Seemingly Ralf Geschke (ralf(at) did close the mailing
list altogether.

Is there really so little interest in a German discussion list on
Ruby as Ralf thinks? I don’t think so and hereby suggest setting up

Yeas, Nays, Whys, and Why-Not’s to this list. For flames etc. use PM.

For he taught his disciples, and said unto them, the Mailinglist is
delivered into the admins, and they shall kill it; and after that it
is killed, it shall rise the third month. :->

Please take notice of signature! / Bitte Signature beachten!

Josef ‘Jupp’ Schugt


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Hi Josef,

that would be a good idea.

Tons of Germans speak English (kind of :-)) and are on the
English list.

Who has the power to set up that mailing-list?

Thx, -A.



While collecting information about the ruby mailing lists for
adding subscription information in German edition of the clr FAQ -
I’ll send a translation to Hal - I started wondering what did happen
to the German language faq.

So I visited to see what has happened.
Seemingly Ralf Geschke (ralf(at) did close the mailing
list altogether.

Is there really so little interest in a German discussion list on
Ruby as Ralf thinks? I don’t think so and hereby suggest setting up

Yeas, Nays, Whys, and Why-Not’s to this list. For flames etc. use PM.

For he taught his disciples, and said unto them, the Mailinglist is
delivered into the admins, and they shall kill it; and after that it
is killed, it shall rise the third month. :->

Please take notice of signature! / Bitte Signature beachten!

Josef ‘Jupp’ Schugt


Armin Roehrl,
We manage risk

Tons of Germans speak English (kind of :-)) and are on the
English list.

Who has the power to set up that mailing-list?

If they speak english isnt it better that they are on the english list?
With a lot more people on the english list they are more likely to get
answers to their questions.


.‘’. Paul William : :' : Debian admin and user . '
`- Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system

In case my last post seemed offensive - it was not supposed to be,


.’’. Paul William : :' : Debian admin and user. '
`- Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system


  • Paul William; 2003-10-18, 17:14 UTC:

If they speak english isnt it better that they are on the english

Being on one list does not exclude being on the other one, n’est ce
pas? I rather see it as an additional means of communication that
does not keep people outside who don’t speak English - there are
several Ruby books in German so this is not that strange a scenario.

BTW: What did happen to the french list? Seems to be death…

With a lot more people on the english list they are more likely to
get answers to their questions.

Sure. But it is also not too unlikely that they may not understand
the answer.

Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system

OT: I think that not all people agree in that they have something
better to do than fixing a system (some politicans for example don’t)

  • ‘fixing a system’ and ‘fixing an operating system’ are no synonyms.

Please take notice of signature! / Bitte Signature beachten!

Josef ‘Jupp’ Schugt


db Wenn sie mir ohne meine Einwilligung geschickt wurde, db
dpqb wird eine E-Mail > 100 kB ungelesen entsorgt dpqb
dp::qb If you send me an e-mail > 100 kB without my dp::qb
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