Representing a span of time

Say I have two time objects represented as floats like so:

x = 64299600.0
y = 1157489583.2798

I want to subtract x from y and then represent the difference as years,
months, days, hours, minutes and seconds.

I don't see how the Time library would do this. Has anyone done
something like this? If so, how?



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Say I have two time objects represented as floats like so:

x = 64299600.0
y = 1157489583.2798

I want to subtract x from y and then represent the difference as years,
months, days, hours, minutes and seconds.

I don't see how the Time library would do this. Has anyone done
something like this? If so, how?


harp:~ > cat a.rb
class Time
   module Units
     def __less__() "/" end
     def __more__() "*" end
     def microseconds() self.send(Float(__more__,(10 ** -6))) end
     def milliseconds() self.send(Float(__more__,(10 ** -3))) end
     def seconds() self end
     def minutes() seconds.send(__more__,60) end
     def hours() minutes.send(__more__,60) end
     def days() hours.send(__more__,24) end
     def weeks() days.send(__more__,7) end
     def months() weeks.send(__more__,4) end
     def years() months.send(__more__,12) end
     def decades() years.send(__more__,10) end
     def centuries() decades.send(__more__,10) end{|m| m !~ /__/}.each do |plural|
       singular = plural.chop
       alias_method singular, plural
   module DiffUnits
     include ::Time::Units
     def __less__() "*" end
     def __more__() "/" end
   alias_method "__delta__", "-" unless respond_to? "__delta__"
   def - other
     ret = __delta__ other
     ret.extend DiffUnits
class Numeric
   include ::Time::Units

if $0 == __FILE__
   require "yaml"
   require "time"

   now = Time::now

   a = now
   y 'a' => a

   b = now + 2.hours + 2.minutes
   y 'b' => b

   d = b - a
   %w( seconds minutes hours days ).each do |unit|
     y "d.#{ unit }" => d.send(unit)

harp:~ > ruby a.rb
b: 2006-09-05 17:28:06.341147 -06:00
d.seconds: 7320.0
d.minutes: 122.0
d.hours: 2.03333333333333
d.days: 0.0847222222222222




On Wed, 6 Sep 2006, Brad Tilley wrote:
a: 2006-09-05 15:26:06.341147 -06:00
what science finds to be nonexistent, we must accept as nonexistent; but what
science merely does not find is a completely different matter... it is quite
clear that there are many, many mysterious things.
- h.h. the 14th dalai lama

Brad Tilley wrote:

Say I have two time objects represented as floats like so:

x = 64299600.0
y = 1157489583.2798

I want to subtract x from y and then represent the difference as years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds.

I don't see how the Time library would do this. Has anyone done something like this? If so, how?

This may not be exactly what you had in mind, but it's better than the other proposed "solutions" when it comes to displaying the number of months or years between two dates: (uses rails activesupport)

class Time
   def time_span(other = nil)
     other ||= self.utc? ? :
   def time_spent(other = nil)
     other ||= self.utc? ? :
     n = other - self
     case n.abs
     when 0...60 #1.minute
       "%d seconds" % n
     when 0...3600 #1.hour
       "%.1f minutes" % (n / 60)
     when 0...86400
       "%.1f hours" % (n / 3600)
       sign = "-" if self > other
       t1,t2 = [other,self].sort
       if t2.year != t1.year and t2 >= t1.advance(:years=>1)
         nb_years = t2.year - t1.year
         t = t1.advance(:years => nb_years)
         t = t1.advance(:years => (nb_years -= 1)) if t > t2
         "#{sign}%.1f years" % (nb_years + (t2 - t).to_f / (t.advance(:years=>1) - t))
       elsif t2 >= t1.advance(:months=>1)
         nb_months = (t1.year==t2.year ? 0 : 12) + t2.month - t1.month
         t = t1.advance(:months => nb_months)
         t = t1.advance(:months => (nb_months -= 1)) if t > t2
         "#{sign}%.1f months" % (nb_months + (t2 - t).to_f / (t.advance(:months=>1) - t))
         "%.1f days" % (n /

>> t.time_span(t - 26.seconds)
=> "26 seconds"
>> t.time_span(t - 26.hours)
=> "1.1 days"
>> t.time_span(t - 26.days)
=> "26.0 days"
>> t.time_span(t - 26.months)
=> "2.1 years"

Say I have two time objects represented as floats like so:

x = 64299600.0
y = 1157489583.2798

I want to subtract x from y and then represent the difference as years,
months, days, hours, minutes and seconds.

I don't see how the Time library would do this. Has anyone done
something like this? If so, how?


harp:~ > ruby a.rb
a: 2006-09-05 15:26:06.341147 -06:00
b: 2006-09-05 17:28:06.341147 -06:00
d.seconds: 7320.0
d.minutes: 122.0
d.hours: 2.03333333333333
d.days: 0.0847222222222222

I think he wants something more like this, where all of the different
options collectively add up to the total time interval (rather than yours
where each different unit of time nonetheless represents the whole span)

class TimeSpan
   # takes input in seconds because that's what Time#to_i returns
   def initialize(seconds)
   attr_reader :seconds,:minutes,:hours,:days
   attr_reader :raw_seconds

   attr_writer :seconds,:minutes,:hours,:days

   # [:x=,y] represents that y is the maximum number of x before
   # carrying over to the next larger unit of time

   def breakdown
      FACTORS.each do |method, max|
   higherintervals, thisinterval= \
      higherintervals.divmod(max) unless max==nil
   thisinterval=higherintervals if max==nil

=> 1157512271
=> 1157512296
=> #<TimeSpan:0xa7cbfc58 @days=0, @hours=0, @minutes=0,
   @seconds=25, @raw_seconds=25>

Can't do years and months without more complicated math, and a definite
knowledge of what the start date and end date are. But at least this
should be closer.

--Ken Bloom


On Tue, 05 Sep 2006 15:26:41 -0600, ara.t.howard wrote:

On Wed, 6 Sep 2006, Brad Tilley wrote:

Ken Bloom. PhD candidate. Linguistic Cognition Laboratory.
Department of Computer Science. Illinois Institute of Technology.