Operations with Time objects

Hi guys.
I want to know the time remain before an expiration.
If I do t_remained = Time.now - expiration I get a float object.
how can I convert it back to Time(days hours and minute)?



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I have tried this:

t = Time.now

=> Thu Mar 13 12:57:47 +0100 2008

t1 = Time.now + 1.hours

=> Thu Mar 13 13:58:03 +0100 2008

t2 = t1 - t

=> 3615.968256

tot = Time.at(t2)

=> Thu Jan 01 02:00:15 +0100 1970

but I don't know why the difference between t1 e t is 2 hours and not 1


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Stefano Bortolotti wrote:

I have tried this:

t = Time.now

=> Thu Mar 13 12:57:47 +0100 2008

t1 = Time.now + 1.hours

=> Thu Mar 13 13:58:03 +0100 2008

t2 = t1 - t

=> 3615.968256

tot = Time.at(t2)

=> Thu Jan 01 02:00:15 +0100 1970

but I don't know why the difference between t1 e t is 2 hours and not 1 hour?

a Time object doesn't represent a duration (2 hours) it represents a point in time (Jan 1st 1970, 2am). There's no standard Ruby object representing a time duration, but it seems that a Float (number of seconds) is good enough.

you can always do (num_of_seconds / 1.hour) to give you a fractional number of hours etc.


I have tried this:

t = Time.now

=> Thu Mar 13 12:57:47 +0100 2008

t1 = Time.now + 1.hours

=> Thu Mar 13 13:58:03 +0100 2008

t2 = t1 - t

=> 3615.968256

tot = Time.at(t2)

=> Thu Jan 01 02:00:15 +0100 1970

but I don't know why the difference between t1 e t is 2 hours and not 1

t = Time.now

=> Thu Mar 13 09:26:37 -0400 2008

t1 = Time.now + 3600

=> Thu Mar 13 10:26:56 -0400 2008

t2 = t1 - t

=> 3618.385132


=> Wed Dec 31 20:00:18 -0500 1969

Because you're not looking at the time zone (+0100).


Rob Biedenharn http://agileconsultingllc.com


On Mar 13, 2008, at 8:02 AM, Stefano Bortolotti wrote:

Thanks guys! I have done this:

  def remaining_time
    if expiration != nil
      diff = expiration - Time.now

      days = (diff / 1.day).to_i
      hours = ((diff / 1.hour) % 24).to_i
      mins = ((diff / 1.minute) 60).to_i

      if diff < 7.days
        return days.to_s + "gg, " + hours.to_s + ":" + mins.to_s
        return "more than 7 days"

I'll try to improve it! If you have some advices, they are wellcomes..


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Since you have 1.day, 1.hour, 1.min, I assume that you have ActiveSupport and likely have Rails. In any case, you can use distance_of_time_in_words

If you want to clean up your own method:

days, dayfrac = diff.divmod(1.day)
hours, hrfrac = dayfrac.divmod(1.hour)
mins, secs = hrfrac.divmod(1.min)

if days >= 7
   return "more than 7 days"
   result =
   result << "%sgg,"%days unless days.zero?
   result << "%d:%0d"%[hours,mins]
   return result.join(' ')


Rob Biedenharn http://agileconsultingllc.com


On Mar 13, 2008, at 12:11 PM, Stefano Bortolotti wrote:

Thanks guys! I have done this:

def remaining_time
   if expiration != nil
     diff = expiration - Time.now

     days = (diff / 1.day).to_i
     hours = ((diff / 1.hour) % 24).to_i
     mins = ((diff / 1.minute) 60).to_i

     if diff < 7.days
       return days.to_s + "gg, " + hours.to_s + ":" + mins.to_s
       return "more than 7 days"

I'll try to improve it! If you have some advices, they are wellcomes..

Rob Biedenharn wrote:

if days >= 7
   return "more than 7 days"
   result =
   result << "%sgg,"%days unless days.zero?
   result << "%d:%0d"%[hours,mins]
   return result.join(' ')

Also, there is the duration gem :
http://wiki.rubyonrails.org/rails/pages/Duration .




Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

Rob Biedenharn wrote:

If you want to clean up your own method:

days, dayfrac = diff.divmod(1.day)
hours, hrfrac = dayfrac.divmod(1.hour)
mins, secs = hrfrac.divmod(1.min)

if days >= 7
   return "more than 7 days"
   result =
   result << "%sgg,"%days unless days.zero?
   result << "%d:%0d"%[hours,mins]
   return result.join(' ')


Rob Biedenharn http://agileconsultingllc.com

Thanks Rob, I knew about distance_of_time_in_words but I want my own
Cool the divmod..


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