RegExp problem

I need to match a block of text as follows

Discard all lines which begin with //
Capture all lines in between as single strings


// section 1

bit more

// section 2

   more stuff

// section 3

and yet more

Should yeild 3 strings:
[ bit\n\nbit more\n\n]
[\n\n\n more stuff\n\n]
[\n\n\nand yet more\n]

Can anyone help?

I've tried:

builds = s.scan(%r[\n//[^\n]*\n([^\n]*\n)+?]m)

but this yields
[ bit]

how can I make the group capture more than a line?


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Charlie S wrote:

I need to match a block of text as follows

Discard all lines which begin with //
Capture all lines in between as single strings


// section 1

bit more

// section 2

   more stuff

// section 3

and yet more

Should yeild 3 strings:
[ bit\n\nbit more\n\n]
[\n\n\n more stuff\n\n]
[\n\n\nand yet more\n]

Can anyone help?

I've tried:

builds = s.scan(%r[\n//[^\n]*\n([^\n]*\n)+?]m)

but this yields
[ bit]

how can I make the group capture more than a line?

=> ["", "\n bit\n\nbit more\n\n", "\n\n\n more stuff\n\n", "\n\n\nand yet more\n\n"]

Close enough?



Try something like this.
You can clean it up as necessary.

s = "// section 1\nbit\n\nbit more\n\n// section 2\n\nmore stuff\n\n//
section 3\n\nand yet more"
s.split(/\/\/\s+section\s+\d+/).each {|x| p x}



On 5/17/07, Charlie S <> wrote:

I need to match a block of text as follows

Discard all lines which begin with //
Capture all lines in between as single strings


// section 1

bit more

// section 2

   more stuff

// section 3

and yet more

Should yeild 3 strings:
[ bit\n\nbit more\n\n]
[\n\n\n more stuff\n\n]
[\n\n\nand yet more\n]

Can anyone help?

I've tried:

builds = s.scan(%r[\n//[^\n]*\n([^\n]*\n)+?]m)

but this yields
[ bit]

how can I make the group capture more than a line?

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