Regexp issue on parsing from file

Hi guys,

I've always had trouble with regexp and matching. I'm trying to figure
out how to parse a very lengthy file that contains information similar
to below:

["Name"] = {
80, -- [1]
"Company", -- [2]
"2009-08-14", -- [3]
["NameTwo"] = {
24, -- [1]
"Company Two", -- [2]
"2009-08-14", -- [3]

The only information I am interested in is the following:


And to further break it down, I'm only interested out of that:


The large file contains roughly 10,000 - 20,000 lines of the similar
data below.

I just want to do open the file, parse out the information as it finds
it, and place it into an array for writing to another file which
contains the proper syntax.

Any help would be appreciative on how to match the specific line to get
that piece of data, and how to ignore the rest of the lines it finds
that contains no matches.

Many thanks.


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Okay I'm getting closer..

counter = 1
name_re = /(.*)\[(.*)\{/"census.lua", "r") do |infile|
  while (line = infile.gets)
    if (line =~ name_re)
      puts "#{counter}: #{line}"
      counter = counter + 1

This gets me the data from the one line:

["Name"] = {
["NameTwo"] = {


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Try something like this:

File.foreach("filename") do |line|
   if md = /^\["(\w+)"\]/.match(line)
     puts md[1]


On Aug 14, 2009, at 22:53, Alpha Blue wrote:

["Name"] = {
80, -- [1]
"Company", -- [2]
"2009-08-14", -- [3]
["NameTwo"] = {
24, -- [1]
"Company Two", -- [2]
"2009-08-14", -- [3]

Hi Ben,

this actually did the trick:

counter = 1
name_re = /(.*)\[(.*)\{/"census.lua", "r") do |infile|
  while (line = infile.gets)
    if (line =~ name_re)
      s_line = line.strip
      c_line = s_line.size
      left = c_line
      right = c_line - 7
      puts "#{counter}: #{s_line.slice!(2..right)}"
      counter = counter + 1


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counter = 1
name_re = /(.*)\[(.*)\{/"census.lua", "r") do |infile|
  while (line = infile.gets)
    if (line =~ name_re)
      s_line = line.strip
      c_line = s_line.size
      right = c_line - 7
      puts "#{counter}: #{s_line.slice!(2..right)}"
      counter = counter + 1


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Alpha Blue wrote:


counter = 1
name_re = /(.*)\[(.*)\{/"census.lua", "r") do |infile|
  while (line = infile.gets)
    if (line =~ name_re)
      s_line = line.strip
      c_line = s_line.size
      right = c_line - 7
      puts "#{counter}: #{s_line.slice!(2..right)}"
      counter = counter + 1

Ben's regex is better, and once you've done the matching, if your regex
has a group around the desired information, you can retrieve the desired
information--there is no need to slice and dice the string to extract
the information:

count = 1

IO.foreach("data.txt") do |line|
   if md = /^\["(\w+?)"\]/.match(line)
     puts "#{count}: #{md[1]}"
     count += 1

1: Name
2: NameTwo

The term:


returns a MatchData object if there is a match. Otherwise, it returns
nil. That result is assigned to the variable md. A MatchData object
will evaluate to true. So if a MatchData object is returned, i.e. there
is a match, the if condition will evaluate to true, and the body of the
if statement will execute. Inside the if statement, you can ask the
MatchData object for the match for the group in your regex. md[0] is
the whole match, md[1] is the match for group 1, md[2], is the match for
group 2, etc.

The regexp says to look for the start of the string(^), then an opening
bracket, then a double quote mark, then any character [a-zA-Z0-9] one or
more times(+), then a quote mark, then a closing bracket.


Posted via\.

BTW, you might want to look at the more rubyish ways of iterating over the lines of a file. The way you do it works, but is more complex than it needs to be.



On Aug 15, 2009, at 00:05, Alpha Blue wrote:"census.lua", "r") do |infile|
while (line = infile.gets)

7stud -- wrote:

Ben's regex is better, and once you've done the matching, if your regex
has a group around the desired information, you can retrieve the desired
information--there is no need to slice and dice the string to extract
the information:

On the other hand, if you would rather avoid regex's altogether and
stick to string slicing and dicing, you could do this:

count = 1

IO.foreach("data.txt") do |line|
   if line[0, 1] == "[":
     first_piece = line.split(" ", 2)[0]
     puts "#{count}: #{first_piece[2...-2]}"
     count += 1

1: Name
2: NameTwo


Posted via\.

7stud -- wrote:
> Ben's regex is better, and once you've done the matching, if your regex
> has a group around the desired information, you can retrieve the desired
> information--there is no need to slice and dice the string to extract
> the information:

On the other hand, if you would rather avoid regex's altogether and
stick to string slicing and dicing, you could do this:

count = 1

IO.foreach("data.txt") do |line|
    if line[0, 1] == "[":
      first_piece = line.split(" ", 2)[0]
      puts "#{count}: #{first_piece[2...-2]}"

Or replace those 2 lines with:
        puts %Q{#{count}: #{ line.split('"')[1] }}


At 2009-08-15 03:16AM, "7stud --" wrote:

      count += 1

1: Name
2: NameTwo

Glenn Jackman
    Write a wise saying and your name will live forever. -- Anonymous

Glenn Jackman wrote:


At 2009-08-15 03:16AM, "7stud --" wrote:

count = 1

IO.foreach("data.txt") do |line|
    if line[0, 1] == "[":
      first_piece = line.split(" ", 2)[0]
      puts "#{count}: #{first_piece[2...-2]}"

Or replace those 2 lines with:
        puts %Q{#{count}: #{ line.split('"')[1] }}

I'm not a big fan of cramming stuff into one liners, but I like this:

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Thanks for the information fellas. It's good to know of multiple ways
for accomplishing the same task and which one is better.


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