Another quick question (at the risk of being the person who asks for help on
adding 2+2 at the alt.math.relatavistic.astrophysics group):
I am trying to search thru a file (arrays of words and sentence fragments),
and replace the commas with a space.
Why doesn't the code below work : (other than an incorrect regex for comma)
a = ["hi,there", "jot this note down", "may i,use the, car"]
a.each do |x| x.gsub(/\,/ , " ") end
- the general method of
array.each do {|e| e.gsub(pattern, replacement)} doesn't work?
Thanks again
gsub is not a destructive method, meaning every time you call it it
returns a new string. You should use gsub! mehtod which makes changes
in place.
On 6/29/05, Charles L. Snyder <csnyder1@kc.rr.com> wrote:
Another quick question (at the risk of being the person who asks for help on
adding 2+2 at the alt.math.relatavistic.astrophysics group):
I am trying to search thru a file (arrays of words and sentence fragments),
and replace the commas with a space.
Why doesn't the code below work : (other than an incorrect regex for comma)
a = ["hi,there", "jot this note down", "may i,use the, car"]
a.each do |x| x.gsub(/\,/ , " ") end
- the general method of
array.each do {|e| e.gsub(pattern, replacement)} doesn't work?
Thanks again
Charles L. Snyder wrote:
- the general method of
array.each do {|e| e.gsub(pattern, replacement)} doesn't work?
Because you first substitute and then throw away the result.
You can either create a new array with
new_array = array.map { |e| e.gsub(pattern, replacement) }
or substitute the strings in place with
array.each { |e| e.gsub!(pattern, replacement) }
You can do the same to the array of course:
array.map! { |e| e.gsub(pattern, replacement) }
But be careful, if you use !-methods, they can have unintended consequences.
Florian Frank
As well as using gsub! to see any result in your case,
you should not prepend the comma with a backslash, the
comma has no special meaning.
Last, never play with regexes without irb and your favorite ShowRE !
def showRE(a,re)
if a =~ re
res = "#{$`}<<#{$&}>>#{$'}\n"
res += "1: #$1\n"
res += "2: #$2\n"
res += "3: #$3\n"
res += "4: #$4\n"
res += "5: #$5\n"
res += "6: #$6\n"
res += "7: #$7\n"
res += "8: #$8\n"
res += "9: #$9\n"
"no match"
puts showRE( "hi,there", /,/ )
On Wed, 29 Jun 2005 16:12:13 +0200, Kent Sibilev <ksruby@gmail.com> wrote:
Why doesn't the code below work : (other than an incorrect regex for comma)
a = ["hi,there", "jot this note down", "may i,use the, car"]
a.each do |x| x.gsub(/\,/ , " ") end