Hi --
Hello all,
I am struggling with something and I have yet been able to find anything
that may help me.
I have a string like follows:
string = "\"bloggs, Joe (JBloggs, INFO)\" joebloggs, \"bloggs, Bill
(BBloggs, INFO)\" billbloggs"
I want to break this string up into two entries using a _ seperator, one
for Joe and the other for Bill. I could do this with a simple
string.gsub(",", "_")
However the problem with doing this is that there are commas elsewhere
in the string. So what I need to say is, if the comma is outside of ""
(quotes) replace it with the _
Could anyone possibly help me with this?
It looks like the pattern /, "/ occurs at the end of one record into
the beginning of the next one, and nowhere else. Assuming that's
correct, it suggests something like:
string.gsub(/,(?=\s+")/, '_')
i.e., for any comma which is followed by some whitespace and a double
quote character, replace the comma with an underscore.
The Ruby training with D. Black, G. Brown, J.McAnally
Compleat Jan 22-23, 2010, Tampa, FL
Rubyist http://www.thecompleatrubyist.com
David A. Black/Ruby Power and Light, LLC (http://www.rubypal.com)
Or perhaps scan is a better hammer for this nail:
string = "\"bloggs, Joe (JBloggs, INFO)\" joebloggs, \"bloggs,
Bill (BBloggs, INFO)\" billbloggs"
=> "\"bloggs, Joe (JBloggs, INFO)\" joebloggs, \"bloggs, Bill (BBloggs, INFO)\" billbloggs"
re = %r{"\w+, \w+ \(\w+, \w+\)" \w+}
=> /"\w+, \w+ \(\w+, \w+\)" \w+/
=> ["\"bloggs, Joe (JBloggs, INFO)\" joebloggs", "\"bloggs, Bill (BBloggs, INFO)\" billbloggs"]
You could paste them back together with a .join('_'), but I suspect that you want the pieces later anyway.
Rob Biedenharn http://agileconsultingllc.com
On Oct 20, 2009, at 11:37 AM, David A. Black wrote:
On Wed, 21 Oct 2009, Ne Scripter wrote: