Reflection, observ(er|able) instance vars?

I have an object for which equality tests take a long time, and I
have lots of others to compare it with. It is
an instance variable of my class, and it is also accessble by
attr_accessor. I'd like to hold a hash (number not for
this object so I can compare it quickly with another. How do I detect that
it has changed so that the hash gets updated correctly? Does attr_accessor
construct code that leaves the right hooks in to detect this, or
must I write my own? Should attr_accessor do that if it doesn't?
Can I trap this by interposing in freeze tests, somehow?

If this is a code smell, how should I handle frequently queried,
slow-to-test, but changing instance variables? Make them all observables
and use update()? (That sounds expensive.)

        Thank you

I think the simplest solution it to define your own attribute writer
and always use it:

class Test
  attr_reader :my_attribute
  def my_attribute=(val)
    @my_attribute = val
    @my_attribute_hash = make_hash(val)

  def some_other_method
    # Do this
    my_attribute = something_new
    # Not this!
    @my_attribute = something_else



On Thu, Oct 20, 2005 at 09:01:45PM +0900, Hugh Sasse wrote:

I'd like to hold a hash (number not for this object so I
can compare it quickly with another. How do I detect that it has
changed so that the hash gets updated correctly?


If only I could add it to object. I've tried, but _Why's metastuff
confuses me just sufficiently to stop me making the transition.

Given metaid.rb thusly:
#!/usr/local/bin/ruby -w


On Fri, 21 Oct 2005, Edward Faulkner wrote:

On Thu, Oct 20, 2005 at 09:01:45PM +0900, Hugh Sasse wrote:
> I'd like to hold a hash (number not for this object so I
> can compare it quickly with another. How do I detect that it has
> changed so that the hash gets updated correctly?

I think the simplest solution it to define your own attribute writer
and always use it:

# Due to Whytheluckystiff.
# Reformatted to work around bugs in vim indent.
class Object
  # The hidden singleton lurks behind everyone
  def metaclass
    class << self
  def meta_eval &blk
    metaclass.instance_eval &blk

  # Adds methods to a metaclass
  def meta_def name, &blk
    meta_eval { define_method name, &blk }

  # Defines an instance method within a class
  def class_def name, &blk
    class_eval { define_method name, &blk }


and hashing.rb thusly:

#!/usr/local/bin/ruby -w
# Make a class keep its hash up to date by using
# accessor methods that call hash on update.
# Hugh Sasse
# created: 20-OCT-2005

require 'metaid' # See

class Object
   def self.attr_hashing( *arr )
     attr_reader *arr
     arr.each do |var|
       meta_def var do |val|
       vareq = (var.to_s + "=")
       meta_def vareq do |val|
         instance_variable_set( "@#{var}", val )
     class_def :initialize do
       self.class.traits.each do |k,v|
         instance_variable_set( "@#{k}", v )


which I've produced from some badly aimed kicks at Dwemthy's Array,
I can't actually get the results I'd like.

#!/usr/local/bin/ruby -w
# Test out the hashing prog.

require 'hashing'

class Wombat
  attr_hashing :wom, :bat
  attr_reader :thehash

  def initialize
    @wom = "wom"
    @bat = "bat"
    @thehash = hash

  def hash
    puts "hash called"
    @thehash = (@wom.to_s + @bat.to_s).hash

  def to_s
    @wom.inspect + @bat.inspect

x = # produce the hash message
puts x
puts x.wom
puts x.bat
puts x.methods.sort.join(', ')
x.wom = "WOM" # produce the hash message
puts x.wom
x.bat = "BAT" # produce the hash message
puts x.bat

Does anyone feel inclined to help me out? :slight_smile:


        Thank you,

You meant
  self.my_attribute = something_new
I think.




On 10/20/05, Edward Faulkner <> wrote:

def some_other_method
   # Do this
   my_attribute = something_new

Use Module, or better yet your own mixin. And just do the class eval
yourself w/o metaid, it's pretty easy

module HashAttr

   def attr_hashing( *arr )
     attr_reader *arr
     arr.each do |var|
       class_eval %{
         def #{var}(val) ; @var ; end
       class_eval %{
         def #{var}=(val)
           @thehash = nil #reset


Then do

  class Wombat
    extend HashAttr

    attr_hashing :wom, :bat
    attr_reader :thehash

    def initialize
      @wom = "wom"
      @bat = "bat"
      @thehash = nil

    def hash
      puts "hash called"
      @thehash ||= (@wom.to_s + @bat.to_s).hash

    def to_s
      @wom.inspect + @bat.inspect

    # compare
    def ==( other )
      hash == other.hash


Use Module, or better yet your own mixin. And just do the class eval
yourself w/o metaid, it's pretty easy

module HashAttr

   def attr_hashing( *arr )
     attr_reader *arr
     arr.each do |var|
       class_eval %{
         def #{var}(val) ; @var ; end
       class_eval %{
         def #{var}=(val)
           @thehash = nil #reset


That's very nice! :slight_smile:

Then do

  class Wombat
    extend HashAttr

    attr_hashing :wom, :bat
    attr_reader :thehash

    def initialize
      @wom = "wom"
      @bat = "bat"
      @thehash = nil

    def hash
      puts "hash called"
      @thehash ||= (@wom.to_s + @bat.to_s).hash

    def to_s
      @wom.inspect + @bat.inspect

    # compare
    def ==( other )
      hash == other.hash


Yes, that's much simpler than the knots I'd got myself into. Thank
you. That will help considerably.




On Fri, 21 Oct 2005, Trans wrote: