Observing changes in object state

Hi all,

I was playing around with the observer library and thought I'd
reimplement somthing I had done in Java a while back. It uses the
observer pattern but automatically adds interceptors to every
attribute setter method - once on the first include and then
dynamically as more setter methods are added. If anybody has some
comments or hints on how to implement this in a better way, I'd be
delighted to hear them.

You can do this:

require 'state_observer'

# Model to be watched for attribute changes
class Model
  attr_accessor :name

  include StateObserver

  def id
    return @id

  def id= nid
    @id = nid

# Observer
class Watcher
    def update( name, value )
      p "#{name} set to #{value}"

# change some stuff
m = Model.new
m.add_observer Watcher.new

# add an attribute
class Model
  attr_accessor :new_attribute

# change the atttribute


"id set to 000"
"name set to test"
"new_attribute set to new"

StateObserver is implemented thus:

require 'observer'
module StateObserver
  include Observable

  # hacky bits - see RDoc for define_method for explanation
  def StateObserver.create_method(target, name, &block)
     target.send(:define_method, name, &block)

   def StateObserver.store_method(target, new_name, old_name)
     target.send(:alias_method, new_name, old_name)
   # end hacky bits

  def StateObserver.method_interceptor_block
     lambda do |target, method_name|
      # intercept new methods ending with '='
      if method_name.to_s =~ /[a-zA-Z0-9_]=$/
        # alias this method to allow method redefinition
        return if @skip
        # prevent hooking a setter twice, in case it is redefined in a
subclass or similar
        return if respond_to? "__#{method_name}"
        @skip = true
        # alias the method
        store_method( target, "__#{method_name}", method_name)
        create_method(target, method_name) do |arg|
          # save current value
          attr_name = method_name.to_s.chop
          old = send(attr_name)
          # call original method to set new value
          self.send("__#{method_name}", arg)
          # set observer changed flag if value is different
          changed if arg != old
          # call the observer hook
          notify_observers( attr_name, arg )
        @skip = nil

  def StateObserver.included( othermod )
    # intercept existing setter methods
    othermod.public_instance_methods.each do |method_name|
      StateObserver.method_interceptor_block.call othermod, method_name

    # intercept setters defined in the future
    create_method(othermod.class, :method_added) do |method_name|
      StateObserver.method_interceptor_block.call othermod, method_name


Max Muermann wrote:

Hi all,

I was playing around with the observer library and thought I'd
reimplement somthing I had done in Java a while back. It uses the
observer pattern but automatically adds interceptors to every
attribute setter method - once on the first include and then
dynamically as more setter methods are added. If anybody has some
comments or hints on how to implement this in a better way, I'd be
delighted to hear them.

Here's a somewhat different approach, but it might be interesting to compare:

require 'observable' # see http://raa.ruby-lang.org/project/observable/

class Model
   extend Observable
   attr_accessor :id # avoid confusion with Object#id
   observable :name, :id

# Observer
class Watcher
   def initialize m
     m.when_name Object do
       puts "name set to #{m.name.inspect}"

     m.when_id Object do
       puts "id set to #{m.id.inspect}"
     # note that each method is treated separately

# change some stuff
m = Model.new
Watcher.new m
   # note this does not trigger the observer since value
   # doesn't change. Use the "signal" mechanism from the
   # observable lib for that behavior



name set to nil
id set to nil
id set to "000"
name set to "test"


       vjoel : Joel VanderWerf : path berkeley edu : 510 665 3407

# Observer
class Watcher
   def initialize m
     m.when_name Object do
       puts "name set to #{m.name.inspect}"

     m.when_id Object do
       puts "id set to #{m.id.inspect}"
     # note that each method is treated separately

Yes, this is probably the most widely useful approach. I have found
that sometimes, though, you want to be notified if *any* of the state
in an object changes. For example, checking an model object for
"dirty" and enabling a save button or similar. In those cases, I think
a generic solution that does not explicitly require defining a watcher
method on each attribute may be useful.

By the way, thanks for bringing this up - I wasn't aware of the
observable :field notation.


Max Muermann wrote:

# Observer
class Watcher
   def initialize m
     m.when_name Object do
       puts "name set to #{m.name.inspect}"

     m.when_id Object do
       puts "id set to #{m.id.inspect}"
     # note that each method is treated separately

Yes, this is probably the most widely useful approach. I have found
that sometimes, though, you want to be notified if *any* of the state
in an object changes. For example, checking an model object for
"dirty" and enabling a save button or similar. In those cases, I think
a generic solution that does not explicitly require defining a watcher
method on each attribute may be useful.

That's a good point, though I think I would handle it with a #dirty method that gets called from within some of the when_ clauses, since there are often attributes whose state is not saved.

By the way, thanks for bringing this up - I wasn't aware of the
observable :field notation.

It's not a general ruby notation, just something defined in this one library.


       vjoel : Joel VanderWerf : path berkeley edu : 510 665 3407

> By the way, thanks for bringing this up - I wasn't aware of the
> observable :field notation.

It's not a general ruby notation, just something defined in this one

       vjoel : Joel VanderWerf : path berkeley edu : 510 665 3407

Am aware of that - sorry for the sloppy language.
