Looks like yet another bug during the release.
Can you create an empty jruby_fetch.rb (touch jruby_fetch.rb) in your
project root? I tried this after reproducing the bug, and it let me run the
rawr:jar task after that.
I'll get a fix for that released on Monday.
Ok, did that. Then I get a message about a constant 'Java' that doesn't
exist - this didn't happen before with 1.1.1.
Anyway, so I took that as a cue to try and run everything through jruby like
The latest Rawr is dependent on JRuby now. This weekend I'm planning on setting up Rawr to be a JRuby only gem. This is so we can ride some of JRuby's code, such as classpath name mangling for the compiler, and perhaps the compiler itself (so you don't get incompatible versions between your runtime JRuby and your environment JRuby in terms of what you compiled).
export PATH=$PATH:/home/lesliev/data/bin/netbeans-6.5/ruby2/jruby-1.1.4/bin
export PATH=$PATH:/home/lesliev/data/bin/netbeans-6.5/ruby2/jruby-1.1.4
jruby /usr/bin/gem install -r rawr
jruby /usr/bin/rake rawr:jar
You can use jruby -S to invoke a script from JRuby's bin. For example, jruby -S gem install rawr
This seems to work, I get:
(in /home/lesliev/monkey/ummpcomposer)
Copying non-source file compose/Composer.form to
Copying non-source file README.txt to
=== Creating jar file:
..but when I try and run it:
lesliev@lesliev-laptop:~/monkey/ummpcomposer/package/jar$ java -jar
Exception in thread "main" <script>:1:
Invalid char `\276' ('¾') in expression (SyntaxError)
from <script>:1:in `require'
from <script>:1
...internal jruby stack elided...
Something is terribly wrong there in terms of the bytecode generated.
Things I would try:
1) jruby -S rake rawr:clean; jruby -S rake rawr:jar # recompile the files
2) Find out if your environment JRuby differs from your runtime JRuby: jruby -v; java -jar lib/java/jruby-complete.jar -v
You may need to ensure these are the same by upgrading the version Netbeans is using, or making your project use the Netbeans version.
1.1.4 is a bit old. Charles Nutter might know better than I if that fixes certain problems. I believe 1.1.7 was just released.
3) Turn off Ruby compilation in your build configuration. All this will do is copy the Ruby files into the jar. The end result should be that the startup time is a little slower than compiled mode (JRuby will compile these files are they are required instead of having them compiled to start with).
Please let me know how any of that works out for you.
which I assume is because of this:
I am running jruby 1.1.4 which came with netbeans.
So I guess I'll keep tinkering with jruby. I'm not really sure how jruby and
ruby play together on the same machine - everything runs fine in the
Netbeans environment (my Monkeybars programs work well).
I aliased my JRuby scripts to have a j in front. This way I have jgem, jrake, etc. Remembering where to install gems (did I update this gem in MRI or JRuby?) was a problem at first, but that was the only heartache I remember.
On Dec 19, 2008, at 7:05 AM, Leslie Viljoen wrote:
On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 2:17 AM, Logan Barnett <logustus@gmail.com> > wrote: